Cell Division Control in Plants

(Marcin) #1

Coordination of Cell Division and Differentiation 387

(Konishi and Sugiyama 2006). Cell proliferation in cultured calli is also af-
fected. RPD1 seems to be a plant-specific protein containing a winged-helix
fold similar to that present in the DNA binding domain of the E2F family
members, although the molecular basis for its function is not known.


Future Prospects

The last 5–10 years have witnessed an unprecedented advance in our under-
standing of cell proliferation control. The mechanism of action of individual
genes controlling different aspects of cell cycle is being elucidated. Their in-
tegration with developmental processes is also beginning to be understood.
These studies should definitely continue until comprehensive information of
each gene impinging on cell proliferation is available. However, we must face,
at least, two major challenges. One is to integrate the functional relationships
of different cell cycle regulators into common pathways. Another is the iden-
tification and understanding of the very complex transcriptional networks
that regulate cell proliferation and its coordination with development. The
availability of an increasing amount of plant lines with identified alterations
of individual genes affecting cell proliferation control in combination with
molecular, genetic and genomic tools should promote the next qualitative ad-
vance in the years to come.


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