Genetics of Apoptosis

(Barry) #1


Abbreviations ix
Contributors xii
Preface xiv
Introduction xvi

Section I Molecular Biology of Apoptosis

Chapter 1 Death receptors in apoptosis
Rajani Ravi and Atul Bedi


1 Introduction 1
2 Death receptors and ligands 2
3 Induction of apoptosis by death receptors 2
4 Regulation of death receptor-induced apoptosis 9
5 Role of death receptor-induced apoptosis in the immune


6 Role of death receptor-induced apoptosis in development 25
7 Death receptor-induced apoptosis of tumor cells 26
8 Conclusion 31
Chapter 2 The role of caspases in apoptosis
Sharad Kumar and Dimitrios Cakouros


1 What are caspases? 33
2 Types of caspases 33
3 Caspase structure 35
4 Substrate specificity of caspases 35
5 Caspase activation 36
6 Regulation of caspase activation 40
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