Self And The Phenomenon Of Life: A Biologist Examines Life From Molecules To Humanity

(Sean Pound) #1
372 Self and the Phenomenon of Life

b2726 Self and the Phenomenon of Life: A Biologist Examines Life from Molecules to Humanity “9x6”

original sin, 281, 323
Oró, J., 37
osmotin, 96, 104
oxidative phosphorylation, 28, 29f
oxytocin, 193, 268, 269

pain and pleasure, 190, 198, 199, 312n
pain asymbolia, 199
panpsychism, 306
panspermia, 43
parabrachial nucleus, 189, 192, 193,
paradigm shift, 317
parallel dynamics, 153, 172
parasympathetic nervous system, 184
parietal lobe, 142f, 171, 190, 200,
248, 249, 252, 339
Pasteur, L., 16
Pathogenesis-related proteins, 104
Pauli exclusion principle, 17
Pavlov, I., 213, 217
Penfield, W., 154
Penrose, R., 320
peptidyl transferase, 46, 51–54
peri-aqueductal gray, 189f, 192, 340
Perret, M, 11
phantom limb syndrome, 158, 172,
pheromones, 148, 194, 264–267,
287, 307
phytoalexins, 103
place cells, 227, 228
Planck, M., 320, 322
plant hormones, 98
plant immunity, 104–106
plant stress hormones, 104
Plotinus, 325
Poincare, H., 241
Polanyi, M., 77n, 332n
pons, 142f, 340

Popper, K.R., 313n
post-synaptic potential (PSP), 134,
345, 359
prefrontal cortex, anatomical
location, 141f, 339
prefrontal cortex, echelon of
emotions and, 202
prefrontal cortex, evolution of, 141f,
prefrontal cortex, memory and, 214t,
prefrontal cortex, readiness potential
and, 251
prefrontal cortex, superego and, 157
prefrontal cortex, volitional acts and,
247, 248f
prion protein, 64, 65, 224
pro-social hormones, 268, 269
prokaryotes, 80
property dualism, 304
protein conformation, 27f
protein synthesis, schematic of, 22f,
protists, 80, 83

qualia, 176n
quantum mechanics, 332n
quantum superposition, 332n
quorum sensing, 82, 260

Ramon-y-Cajal, S., 91, 130f, 220
raphe nuclei, 170t, 174, 340
rapid-eye-movement (REM) sleep,
readiness potential, 250
realities, layers of, 321
reductionism, 67
reentrance dynamics, 172
Rees, M.J., 68, 331n
religion, what is, 315, 326, 327

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