The Central Nervous System 213
chemicals known as MRI contrast agents are sometimes used
to increase or decrease the signal in different tissues to improve
the image.
Scientists can study the functioning brain in a living person
using a technique known as functional magnetic resonance
imaging (fMRI). This technique visualizes increased neuronal
activity within a brain region indirectly, by the increased blood
flow to the more active brain region (chapter 14; see fig. 14.22).
This occurs because of increased release of the neurotransmitter
glutamate, which causes vasodilation and increased blood flow
in the more active brain regions. As a result, the active brain
regions receive more oxyhemoglobin (and thus less deoxyhe-
moglobin, which affects the magnetic field) than they do when
resting. This is known as the BOLD response (for “blood oxy-
genation level dependent contrast”).
Magnetoencephalogram (MEG) recordings provide images
of brain activity on a millisecond time scale that can be more accu-
rate than EEG recordings (discussed next). Because postsynaptic
currents produce weak magnetic fields, thousands of these together
generate magnetic fields that can be detected by sensors surround-
ing the head. The sensors are hundreds of SQUIDS (supercon-
ducting quantum interference devices) cooled in liquid helium to
4 degrees above absolute zero. Techniques for visualizing the
functioning brain are summarized in table 8.2.
Synaptic potentials (chapter 7, section 7.3) produced at the
cell bodies and dendrites of the cerebral cortex, action poten-
tials produced by deeper axons, and even potentials produced
by glia summate to induce electrical currents in the extracel-
lular medium. These generate a potential (measured in volts
with respect to a reference potential) that is referred to as an
electroencephalogram ( EEG ) when measured by electrodes
on the concept that protons (H^1 ), because they are charged
and spinning, are like little magnets. A powerful external mag-
net can align a proportion of the protons. Most of the protons
are part of water molecules, and the chemical composition of
different tissues provides differences in the responses of the
aligned protons to a radio frequency pulse. This allows clear
distinctions to be made between gray matter, white matter, and
cerebrospinal fluid ( figs. 8.8 and 8.9 ). In addition, exogenous
Figure 8.9 An MRI scan of the brain. Gray and white
matter are easily distinguished, as are the ventricles containing
cerebrospinal fluid.
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Table 8.2 | Techniques for Visualizing Brain Function
Abbreviation Technique Name Principle Behind Technique
EEG Electroencephalogram Neuronal activity is measured as maps with scalp electrodes.
fMRI Functional magnetic resonance
Increased neuronal activity increases cerebral blood flow and oxygen consumption
in local areas. This is detected by effects of changes in blood oxyhemoglobin/
deoxyhemoglobin ratios.
MEG Magnetoencephalogram Neuronal magnetic activity is measured using magnetic coils and mathematical
PET Positron emission tomography Increased neuronal activity increases cerebral blood flow and metabolite
consumption in local areas. This is measured using radioactively labeled
SPECT Single photon emission computed
Increased neuronal activity increases cerebral blood flow. This is measured using
emitters of single photons, such as technetium.
CT Computerized tomography A number of x-ray beams are sent through the brain or other body region and are
sensed by numerous detectors; a computer uses this information to produce
images that appear as slices through the brain.
Source: Burkhart Bromm “Brain images of pain.” News in Physiological Sciences 16 (Feb. 2001): 244–249.