Cardiac Output, Blood Flow, and Blood Pressure 453
As discussed in chapter 12, stretch can also increase the con-
traction strength of skeletal muscles (see fig. 12.21). The resting
length of skeletal muscles, however, is close to ideal, so that sig-
nificant stretching decreases contraction strength. This is not true
of the heart. Prior to filling with blood during diastole, the sarco-
mere lengths of myocardial cells are only about 1.5 m m. At this
length, the actin filaments from each side overlap in the middle of
the sarcomeres, and the cells can contract only weakly ( fig. 14.3 ).
The proportion of the end-diastolic volume that is ejected
against a given afterload depends on the strength of ventricular
contraction. Normally, contraction strength is sufficient to eject
70 to 80 ml of blood out of a total end-diastolic volume of 110
to 130 ml. The ejection fraction is thus about 60%. The ejection
fraction remains relatively constant over a range of end-diastolic
volumes, so that the amount ejected per beat (stroke volume)
increases as the end-diastolic volume increases. In order for this
to be true, the strength of ventricular contraction must increase
as the end-diastolic volume increases.
Frank-Starling Law of the Heart
Two physiologists, Otto Frank and Ernest Starling, demonstrated
that the strength of ventricular contraction varies directly with
the end-diastolic volume ( fig. 14.2 ). Even in experiments where
the heart is removed from the body (and is thus not subject to
neural or hormonal regulation) and where the still-beating heart
is filled with blood flowing from a reservoir, an increase in EDV
within the physiological range results in increased contraction
strength and, therefore, in increased stroke volume. This rela-
tionship between EDV, contraction strength, and stroke volume
is thus a built-in, or intrinsic, property of heart muscle, and is
known as the Frank-Starling law of the heart.
Intrinsic Control of Contraction Strength
The intrinsic control of contraction strength and stroke volume
is due to variations in the degree to which the myocardium
is stretched by the end-diastolic volume. As the EDV rises
within the physiological range, the myocardium is increasingly
stretched and, as a result, contracts more forcefully.
Figure 14.2 The frank-starling law and sympathetic
nerve effects. The graphs demonstrate the Frank-Starling law:
As the end-diastolic volume is increased, the stroke volume is
increased. The graphs also demonstrate, by comparing the three
curves, that the stroke volume is higher at any given end-diastolic
volume when the ventricle is stimulated by sympathetic nerves.
This is shown by the steeper curves to the left (see the red arrow).
Stroke volume (ml)
Frank-Starling law
Ventricular end-diastolic volume (ml)
Increased contractility
caused by sympathetic
nerve stimulation
Figure 14.3 The Frank-Starling
law of the heart. When the heart muscle is
subjected to an increasing degree of stretch
( a through d ), it contracts more forcefully. The
contraction strength is indicated on the y -axis
as the tension. Notice that the time required to
reach maximum contraction remains constant,
regardless of the degree of stretch.
2.4 μm
0 500
Tension (g)
Resting sarcomere lengths
2.2 μm
2.0 μm
1.5 μm