Respiratory Physiology 553
The motor neurons that stimulate the respiratory muscles
are controlled by two major descending pathways: one
that controls voluntary breathing and another that controls
involuntary breathing. The unconscious rhythmic control of
breathing is influenced by sensory feedback from recep-
tors sensitive to the P^ CO 2 , pH, and P^ O 2 of arterial blood.
Decompression Sickness
As the diver ascends to sea level, the amount of nitrogen dis-
solved in the plasma decreases as a result of the progressive
decrease in the P^ N 2. If the diver surfaces slowly, a large amount
of nitrogen can diffuse through the alveoli and be eliminated in
the expired breath. If decompression occurs too rapidly, how-
ever, bubbles of nitrogen gas (N 2 ) can form in the tissue fluids
and enter the blood. This process is analogous to the formation
of carbon dioxide bubbles in a champagne bottle when the cork
is removed. The bubbles of N 2 gas in the blood can block small
blood channels, producing muscle and joint pain as well as more
serious damage. These effects are known as decompression
sickness, commonly called “the bends.”
Airplanes that fly long distances at high altitudes (30,000 to
40,000 ft) have pressurized cabins so that the passengers and crew
do not experience the very low atmospheric pressures of these
altitudes. If a cabin were to become rapidly depressurized at high
altitude, much less nitrogen could remain dissolved at the greatly
lowered pressure. People in this situation, like the divers that
ascend too rapidly, would thus experience decompression sickness.
Hyperbaric oxygen therapy ( HBOT ), in which a patient
breathes 100% oxygen at 2 to 3 atmospheres pressure,
does not increase the amount of oxygen carried by hemo-
globin, because this is already nearly maximum (with 97%
oxyhemoglobin saturation) when breathing sea level air.
However, it does significantly increase the oxygen carried
by plasma—from 0.3 ml O 2 /100 ml blood at sea level to up
to 6 ml O 2 /100 ml blood for 100% oxygen at 3 atmospheres
pressure. This is useful in the treatment of decompression
sickness from scuba diving that results when air bubbles
form in the tissues and travel in the blood as air emboli,
because (from Boyle’s law) raising the pressure decreases
the size of the bubbles. HBOT also helps to kill anaerobic
bacteria and is used to treat gas gangrene, which is caused
by certain bacteria that produce gas and tissue necrosis
that may require amputation of the affected limb. Addition-
ally, hyperbaric oxygen helps to treat carbon monoxide poi-
soning, severe traumatic injuries (such as crush injuries),
certain inflammations, and other conditions.
Clinical Investigation CLUES
Peter collapsed in his closed garage with his car running
and was treated with hyperbaric oxygen.
- What caused Peter’s collapse, and how did it make
him lose consciousness? - What is hyperbaric oxygen therapy, and how did it
work to save Peter?
7a. Explain how the P^ O 2 of air is calculated and how this
value is affected by altitude, diving, and water vapor
7b. Explain how blood P^ O 2 measurements are taken, and
discuss the physiological and clinical significance of
these measurements.
8a. Explain how the arterial PO 2 and the oxygen content
of whole blood are affected by (a) hyperventilation,
(b) breathing from a tank containing 100% oxygen,
(c) anemia (low red blood cell count and hemoglobin
concentration), and (d) high altitude.
8b. Describe the ventilation/perfusion ratios of the lungs,
and explain why systemic arterial blood has a slightly
lower PO 2 than alveolar air.
8c. Explain how decompression sickness is produced in
divers who ascend too rapidly.
After studying this section, you should be able to:
- Explain how ventilation is regulated by the CNS.
- Explain how blood gases and pH influence
Inspiration and expiration are produced by the contraction and
relaxation of skeletal muscles in response to activity in somatic
motor neurons in the spinal cord. The activity of these motor
neurons is controlled, in turn, by descending tracts from neu-
rons in the respiratory control centers in the medulla oblongata
and from neurons in the cerebral cortex.
Brain Stem Respiratory Centers
The somatic motor neurons that stimulate the respiratory mus-
cles (see fig. 16.13 ) have their cell bodies in the gray matter of
the spinal cord. The motoneurons of the phrenic nerve, stimu-
lating the diaphragm, have cell bodies in the cervical level of
the spinal cord; those that innervate the respiratory muscles of
the rib cage and abdomen have cell bodies in the thoracolumbar