Human Physiology, 14th edition (2016)

(Tina Sui) #1
Respiratory Physiology 557

low P^ O 2 (so ventilation is increased at a high altitude, for exam-
ple) and is decreased by a high P^ O 2. If the blood P^ O 2 is raised
by breathing 100% oxygen, therefore, the breath can be held
longer because the response to increased P^ CO 2 is blunted.
When the blood P^ CO 2 is held constant by experimental tech-
niques, the P^ O 2 of arterial blood must fall from 100 mmHg to
below 70 mmHg before ventilation is significantly stimulated
( fig. 16.30 ). This stimulation—called a hypoxic drive —is appar-
ently due to a direct effect of P^ O 2 on the carotid bodies. The carotid
bodies contain neuron-like glomus cells and glia-like susten-
tacular cells. In response to hypoxia, the glomus cells become
depolarized, which opens voltage-sensitive Ca^2 1 channels in the
plasma membrane. The entry of Ca^2 1 stimulates the release of
neurotransmitters and leads to an increase in ventilation.
The carotid bodies respond to the oxygen dissolved in
the plasma (as measured by the blood P^ O 2 ), not to the oxy-
gen bound by hemoglobin in the red blood cells. Because this
degree of hypoxemia, or low blood oxygen, does not normally
occur at sea level, P^ O 2 does not normally exert this direct effect
on breathing.
However, there are interactions between the sensitivities
of the carotid bodies to a fall in P^ O 2 and a rise in P^ CO 2. Hypoxia
(low oxygen) promotes the carotid bodies’ responses to a rise
in arterial P^ CO 2 and fall in pH. This effect becomes important
in the regulation of breathing at higher altitudes with low
P^ O 2 (section 16.9). Indeed, the carotid bodies are essential for

the retention of CO 2 during hypoventilation rapidly stimulates
the peripheral chemoreceptors through a lowering of blood pH.
This is responsible for the immediate response to the elevated
arterial CO 2. Then the central chemoreceptors respond to the
fall in the pH of their surrounding interstitial fluid, stimulating
a steady-state increase in ventilation if the blood CO 2 remains

Figure 16.29 How blood CO 2 affects
chemoreceptors in the medulla oblongata. An increase in
blood CO 2 stimulates breathing indirectly by lowering the pH of
blood and brain interstitial fluid. This figure illustrates how a rise
in blood CO 2 increases the H^1 concentration (lowers the pH) of
CSF and interstitial fluid and thereby stimulates chemoreceptor
neurons in the medulla oblongata.






H CO 2






interstitial fluid

fluid (CSF)



Figure 16.30 Comparing the effects of blood
CO 2 and O 2 on breathing. The graph depicts the effects of
increasing blood concentrations of CO 2 (see the scale at the
top of the graph) on breathing, as measured by the total minute
volume. The effects of decreasing concentrations of blood O 2
(see the scale at the bottom of the graph) on breathing are also
shown for comparison. Notice that breathing increases linearly
with increasing CO 2 concentration, whereas O 2 concentrations
must decrease to half the normal value before breathing is








Total minute volume^20


18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0
%O 2

%CO 2

O 2 varied
(CO 2 constant)

CO 2 varied
(O 2 constant)

Hypocapnia (low plasma PCO 2 ) due to hyperventilation
causes cerebral vasoconstriction, which results in inade-
quate brain perfusion and hypoxia that can produce diz-
ziness. The hypocapnia of hyperventilation also raises the
blood pH (produces a respiratory alkalosis; section 16.8),
which lowers plasma Ca^2 1. This can result in neuromuscu-
lar irritability and muscle spasms (tetany) in the legs, feet,
and hands. People can raise their plasma PCO 2 and alleviate
these symptoms by breathing into a paper bag, but this
could be dangerous for people hyperventilating because
of asthma or because they have angina and myocardial

Effects of Blood PO


on Ventilation

Under normal conditions, blood P^ O 2 affects breathing only indi-
rectly by influencing the chemoreceptor sensitivity to changes
i n P^ CO 2. Chemoreceptor sensitivity to P^ CO 2 is augmented by a

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