Human Physiology, 14th edition (2016)

(Tina Sui) #1
Tissue cells


CO 2




CO 2 dissolved
in plasma (10%)

Red blood cells

CO 2 combined with
hemoglobin to form

CO 2 + H 2 OH 2 CO 3

H+ combines
with hemoglobin
HCO 3 –
Cl– (70%)

H 2 CO 3 H+ + HCO 3 –

(Chloride shift)

566 Chapter 16

blood cells because of the catalytic action of the enzyme car-
bonic anhydrase. Since this enzyme is confined to the red
blood cells, most of the carbonic acid is produced there rather
than in the plasma. The formation of carbonic acid from CO 2
and water is favored by the high P^ CO 2 found in the capillaries of
the systemic circulation (this is an example of the law of mass
action; chapter 4, section 4.2).

carbonic anhydrase
C O^2 1 H^2 O H^2 C O^3
high P^ CO 2

The Chloride Shift

As a result of catalysis by carbonic anhydrase within the red
blood cells, large amounts of carbonic acid are produced as
blood passes through the systemic capillaries. The buildup
of carbonic acid concentrations within the red blood cells
favors the dissociation of these molecules into hydrogen
ions (protons, which contribute to the acidity of a solution)
and HC O^3 2 (bicarbonate), as shown by this equation:

H^2 C O^3 → H 1 1 HC O^3 2
The hydrogen ions (H^1 ) released by the dissociation of
carbonic acid are largely buffered by their combination with

Figure 16.38 Carbon dioxide transport and the
chloride shift. Carbon dioxide is transported in three forms:
(1) as dissolved CO 2 gas, (2) attached to hemoglobin as
carbaminohemoglobin, and (3) as carbonic acid and bicarbonate.
Percentages indicate the proportion of CO 2 in each of the forms.
Notice that when bicarbonate ( HC O^3 2 ) diffuses out of the red
blood cells, Cl^2 diffuses in to retain electrical neutrality. This
exchange is the chloride shift.

Figure 16.39 The reverse chloride shift in the
lungs. Carbon dioxide is released from the blood as it travels
through the pulmonary capillaries. A “reverse chloride shift”
occurs during this time, and carbonic acid is transformed into
CO 2 and H 2 O. The CO 2 is eliminated in the exhaled air. Sources
of carbon dioxide in blood include (1) dissolved CO 2 ,
(2) carbaminohemoglobin, and (3) bicarbonate (HC O 32 ).

CO 2 dissolved
in plasma

CO 2 dissolved
in pplaasma

From pulmonary artery To pulmonary vein

Red blood cells
Plasma HCOHCOHHCO 333 – – CCClClCl––

CO 2





CO 2 + H 2 OH 2 CO 3

Hemoglobin + CO 2

HCO 3 – + H+ H 2 CO 3

deoxyhemoglobin within the red blood cells. Although the
unbuffered hydrogen ions are free to diffuse out of the red
blood cells, more bicarbonate diffuses outward into the plasma
than does H^1. As a result of the “trapping” of hydrogen ions
within the red blood cells by their attachment to hemoglobin
and the outward diffusion of bicarbonate, the inside of the red
blood cell gains a net positive charge. This attracts chloride ions
(Cl^2 ), which move into the red blood cells as HC O^3 2 moves out.
This exchange of anions as blood travels through the tissue cap-
illaries is called the chloride shift ( fig. 16.38 ).
The unloading of oxygen is increased by the bonding of
H^1 (released from carbonic acid) to oxyhemoglobin. This is the
Bohr effect, and results in increased conversion of oxyhemoglo-
bin to deoxyhemoglobin. Now, deoxyhemoglobin bonds H^1 more
strongly than does oxyhemoglobin, so the act of unloading its oxy-
gen improves the ability of hemoglobin to buffer the H^1 released
by carbonic acid. Removal of H^1 from solution by its bonding to
hemoglobin then acts through the law of mass action to favor the
continued production of carbonic acid, which increases the ability
of the blood to transport carbon dioxide. In this way, carbon diox-
ide transport enhances oxygen unloading and oxygen unloading
improves carbon dioxide transport.

The Reverse Chloride Shift

When blood reaches the pulmonary capillaries ( fig.  16.39 ),
deoxyhemoglobin is converted to oxyhemoglobin. Because
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