Index I-21
membrane transport in, 157
metabolism in, 126
Music, cerebral areas related to, 217
Mutualism, 634
Myasthenia gravis, 186, 189
Myelencephalon, 207, 208f, 231
Myelinated axons, 167–168, 168f, 179–180, 179f
Myelin sheath, 167–169, 167–169f
Myeloblasts, 410
Myeloid tissue, 409
Myenteric plexus, 622
Myoblasts, 11
Myocardial action potential, 426–427, 426f
Myocardial cells, 11, 392
Myocardial infarction (MI), 110, 380, 392, 414, 439
Myocardial ischemia, 110, 439, 440f
Myocardium, 392, 418, 425
Myoepithelial cells, 15
Myofibers, 11, 11f, 360
Myofibrils, 364–365, 364–365f
Myofilaments, 364f, 365
Myogenic activity, of smooth muscle, 394
Myogenic control mechanisms, 467–468, 473–474
Myoglobin, 380, 468, 564–565, 565f
Myokines, 350, 383
Myometrium, 723
Myoneural (neuromuscular) junctions, 180, 190
Myopia, 296, 297, 297f
Myosin, 42, 57, 365, 368, 369f
Myosin ATPase, 368
Myosin light-chain kinase (MLCK), 396
Myosin light-chain phosphatase (MLCP), 396
Myostatin, 384
Myxedema, 343, 458
Na^1 /Ca^21 exchanger (NCX), 428
NAD (nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide), 100–101,
101 f, 112
NADP (nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide
phosphate), 101
Na^1 equilibrium potential, 151
Nafarelin, 710
Naloxone, 196–197
Narcolepsy, 232
National Institutes of Health, 672
National Library of Medicine, 4
Natriuresis, 462
Natriuretic hormone. See Atrial natriuretic
peptide (ANP)
Natural killer (NK) cells, 520–521
Nature (journal), 3
Nature Medicine (journal), 3
NCX (Na^1 /Ca^21 exchanger), 428
Near point of vision, 295
Nearsightedness. See Myopia
Nebulin, 384
Necrosis, 75, 439
Negative chronotropic effects, 452
Negative energy balance, 664
Negative feedback inhibition, 9, 10f, 335
Negative feedback loops, 6–8, 6–10f, 9, 175
Negative nitrogen balance, 122
first breath of, 540
foramen ovale in, 422
genetic screening of, 746
hemolytic disease of, 414
Montelukast (Singulair), 352, 545
Morphine, 196, 229
Morula, 737
Motile cilia, 55
Motilin, 648
Motility, 620, 631, 645
Motion sickness, 261
Motor circuit, 216, 216f
Motor (efferent) neurons
alpha, 387, 388
coactivation of, 387
function of, 207, 244
gamma, 387, 388
lower, 385, 385t
skeletal muscle control by, 235, 235f, 361–364,
structure of, 164t, 165
upper, 210, 385, 385t, 387, 390–391, 391t
Motor end plates, 190, 361, 362f, 363
Motor fibers, 166
Motor tracts, extrapyramidal, 233, 235, 390
Motor units, 363–364, 363f, 375
Mountain sickness, 572, 573, 610
Mouth (oral cavity), 621
M phase of cell cycle, 76
MRI (magnetic resonance imaging), 212–213,
212–213f, 220
mRNA (messenger RNA), 46, 63, 65–66, 66f,
68, 71f
MSH (melanocyte-stimulating hormone),
332–333, 672
MS (multiple sclerosis), 168, 200, 497, 521, 522t
Mucopolysaccharides, 132
Mucosa, gastrointestinal, 621
Mucous glands, 15
Mucous neck cells, 625
Müllerian inhibition factor (MIF), 705–706, 705f
Müllerian (paramesonephric) ducts, 705
Multiple sclerosis (MS), 168, 200, 497, 521, 522t
Multiplier system, countercurrent, 592–595,
Multipolar neurons, 166, 166f
Multipotent cells, 20, 739
Multipotent growth factor-1, 411
Multispecific organic anion transport carriers, 641
Multiunit smooth muscles, 394, 395f
Murad, Ferid, 5t
Murmurs, heart, 420–421
Muscarine, 185
Muscarinic ACh receptors, 185, 187, 188–189, 256,
257 f, 257 t
Muscles, 359–398. See also Cardiac muscles;
Skeletal muscles; Smooth muscles
atrophy of, 78, 384
comparison of, 397t
fatigue of, 381–382
hypertrophy of, 78, 384
myoglobin in, 380, 468, 564–565, 565f
regeneration of, 384
spasms, 363, 387
Muscle spindle apparatus, 386, 386f
Muscle stretch reflex, 387–388
Muscular arteries, 432
Muscular dystrophy, 360, 380
Muscularis, gastrointestinal, 622
Muscularis externa, 622
Muscularis mucosae, 621
Muscular system
cell concepts related to, 83
functions of, 20t
Microglia, 166–167, 166f, 167 t, 495
Microglial activation, 167
Microgravity, 384, 691
MicroRNA (miRNA), 67
Microsaccades, 306
Microtubules, 52t, 55, 57, 57f
Microvilli, 56, 56f, 136, 298, 629–630
Micturition. See Urination
Midbrain, 207, 208, 208f, 228–230
Middle ear, 283–284, 283–284f
Middle-ear ossicles, 284
Mifepristone, 738
MIF (Müllerian inhibition factor), 705–706, 705f
Migraines, treatment of, 192
Milieu intérieur (internal environment), 5
Milk-ejection reflex (milk letdown), 748
Millimeters of mercury (mmHg), 476
MI (myocardial infarction), 110, 380, 392, 414, 439
Mineralocorticoids, 337, 339f, 686
Minerals. See also specific minerals
free radicals and antioxidants, 114, 666, 668–669
recommended dietary allowances for,
664–665t, 666
Minor calyx, 582
miRNA (microRNA), 67
Mirror neurons, 212
MIT (monoiodotyrosine), 342
Mitochondria, 52t, 59–60, 59f
Mitochondrial diseases, 114
Mitochondrial DNA, mutations of, 59, 114
Mitochondrial encephalomyopathy, lactic acidosis,
and strokelike episodes (MELAS), 59, 114
Mitosis, 76–78, 77f
Mitral (bicuspid) valve, 419
Mitral cells, 278
Mitral stenosis, 421
Mitral valve prolapse, 421
Mixed micelles, 653
Mixed nerves, 166, 236
MLCK (myosin light-chain kinase), 396
MLCP (myosin light-chain phosphatase), 396
M lines, 367, 367f
MMPs (matrix metalloproteinases), 132
Modalities, of sensation, 267
Molality, 138–139, 139f
Molar, 29
Molarity, 138–139, 139f
formation of, 26
hydrophilic, 28
hydrophobic, 28
nonpolar, 26
organic, 30–33, 31–32f
polar, 26–27, 27f
Molybdenum, daily dietary intake of, 668
Monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs), 192
Monoamine oxidase (MAO), 191
Monoamines, 191–194, 191f, 193 f
Monoblasts, 410
Monoclonal antibodies, 518, 520
Monocytes, 409, 495–496, 502, 510
Monoglycerides, 653
Monoiodotyrosine (MIT), 342
Monomers, 620
Mononuclear phagocyte system, 54, 408, 495
Mononucleosis, 521
Monosaccharides, 33, 34f
Monosynaptic stretch reflex, 387–388, 388t
Monovision, 297
Monozygotic twins, 736
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