Sociology Now, Census Update

(Nora) #1

25% and over

Women in Government

no women in government

proportion of women in government was
lower in 2000 than in the late 1980s

under 5%

no data

FIGURE 9.2 Women in Government

In developing countries, problems appear more fundamental and pervasive. Signifi-
cant gender gaps are found in everything from literacy to education to employment
to income to health in the developing world, and these gaps are larger in nonindus-
trialized countries. Women are disproportionately represented among the world’s
poor. They are often denied access to critical resources, such as credit, land, and inheri-
tance. Their labor is far less rewarded. Their health care and nutritional needs are
underserved. They have far less access to education (Figure 9.1) and support services.
Their participation in decision making at home and in the community can be mini-
mal but is routinely lower than men’s (Figure 9.2; United Nations, 2000) (UNDP,
2006). As a result, gender inequality can be said to hurt women somewhat more in
poorer nations than it does in wealthier ones.
However, this is not to say that gender discrimination in industrial countries is
an insignificant problem. When the World Economic Forum measured the global gen-
der gap in 2005, publishing an international ranking of countries based on measures
like women’s economic opportunity and participation, political empowerment, edu-
cational attainment, and health and well-being, many wealthy countries ranked quite
poorly in overall scores (Figure 9.3). Of 58 countries studied, Japan ranked 38,
Switzerland 34, Italy 45. The United States ranked only 17, behind Sweden (1),
Norway (2), Denmark (4), Canada (7), the United Kingdom (8), Australia (10), France
(13), the Netherlands (14), and others (Figure 9.4; World Economic Forum, 2005).
Within that, the United States ranked 46 on economic opportunity for women and
42 on women’s health and well-being.

Source:From The Penguin Atlas of Women in the Worldby Joni Seager, copyright © 1997, 2003 by Joni Seager, text. Copyright © 1997, 2003 by Myriad Editions Ltd.,
maps & graphics. Used by permission of Penguin, a division of Penguin Group (USA) Inc.

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