Sociology Now, Census Update

(Nora) #1

residents recently emerged as significantly more likely to do so than in the past. What’s
more, the label of “mental illness” only increases desires for social distance.
Understanding mental illness is increasingly important, not only because so many
mentally ill people have been deinstitutionalized but because more than half of
Americans will develop a mental illness at some point in their lives, according to a
recent survey. In part, this is the result of ever-expanding definitions of mental illness,
but it also indicates an increased awareness of the prevalence of mental illness.

Drugs, Alcohol, and Tobacco.The treatment of addictions, such as tobacco and
alcohol, is also increasingly medicalized and deinstitutionalized. Alcohol and
tobacco addictions are considered treatable medical conditions, but the treatments
for them are typically not performed in institutionalized settings. On the other
hand, drug addiction is understood to be a treatable medical condition, but it
receives so much social disapproval that its treatment is often ignored in favor of
being dealt with in another institution: prison. The “war on drugs” ushered in a
massive campaign to criminalize the use and sale of drugs. While this has not
measurably reduced the number of addicts, it has more than quintupled the prison
population since the “war” began and created the impetus for cheaper and more
powerful new classes of drugs.
Drinking alcohol, taking nonprescription drugs (or taking prescription drugs recre-
ationally), and smoking tobacco are lifestyle choices—choices that individuals may make


Emotional Problems
Current estimates are that at least one in five American adults has some diagnosable emotional
or mental disorder. Some theories hold that emotional problems are caused by biological factors.
Others explain them as social, a by-product of living in a confusing and overwhelming world.
Experts agree that seeking some kind of treatment is important. So, what do you think?





1.Would you definitely expect, probably expect, proba-
bly not expect, or definitely not expect to feel better
about yourself as a person?
❍Definitely expect
❍Probably expect
❍Probably not expect
❍Definitely not expect

2.Would you definitely expect, probably expect, proba-
bly not expect, or definitely not expect your overall
quality of life to improve?

❍Definitely expect
❍Probably expect
❍Probably not expect
❍Definitely not expect
3.Would you definitely expect, probably expect, proba-
bly not expect, or definitely not expect to be cured?
❍Definitely expect
❍Probably expect
❍Probably not expect
❍Definitely not expect

Say you went to treatment for an emotional health problem, such as feeling depressed or anxious, that
affects your work and other daily activities so that you accomplish less than you would like...


See the back of the chapter to compare your answers to national survey data.
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