Sociology Now, Census Update

(Nora) #1

Birth rate, global economies and, 231–232
Bisexuality, 322, 323–324. See alsoSexual
Black(s).SeeAfrican Americans; Ethnicity;
Race; Race and ethnicity
Black Boy(Wright), 274
Black Panthers, 172
Blended families, 408–409
Blogs, 591
Blue-collar jobs, 437–438
Blue jeans, politics of popular culture and,
Body building, 526–528
Body image. SeeBeauty
Body language, cultural differences in, 74
Body mass index (BMI), 524
Book of Common Prayer, 61
“Boston marriages,” 326, 399
Bourgeoisie, 210, 427
Bowling Alone(Putnam), 93, 480
sex hormones and, 283–284
sexual orientation and, 512
Branch Davidians, 492
Broken windows theory of crime, 180
Brown v. the Board of Education,255, 567
Buddhism, 497–498
Bulimia, 526
Bullying, 572
Bureaucracy, 94–98, 465
accountability and, 97
characteristics of, 95–96
democracy and, 97–98
“iron cage” of, 98
problems with, 96–98
productivity in, 96
Bureaucratic personality, 97

classical, 20–21
diversity and, 21–23
Capital, 418
Capital(Marx), 16
Capitalism, 425–427
laissez-faire, 426
state, 426
welfare, 426
“Carbon sequestration,” 643
Cardean Concord Law School, 580
Career ladders in bureaucracies, 95
Caregivers for elderly people, 366–367
Caring for others, socialization and, 161,
Caste(s), 207–208
Caste system, 207–208
Causality, 128–129
correlation versus, 131–132
CBS, 601
Celebration, Florida, 635
Celebrities, 603–604
Centralization in industrial economies, 419
CEO compensation, 219
Charismatic authority, 458

Charismatic leaders, 489, 492, 493
Charitable giving, 218, 240–241
Charter schools, 574
Child abuse and neglect, 412–413
Childhood, 350–352. See alsoChildren
socialization in, 157–158
Child labor, 349, 373–376
global economies and, 231
Childlessness, 405–406
Children.See alsoChildhood
clothing of, 290, 350
parental violence against, 412–413
pedophilia and, 325
poverty among, 221
violence against parents from, 411–412
violence between, 410
Christianity, 495
Chronic diseases, 534
Chronological age, 348
Chrysler, 427
Church of the Reformed Druid, 491
Cities, 629–640
concentric zones in, 639
countryside and, 632–633
global urbanization and, 639–640
history of, 630–632
human ecology and, 638–639
revitalizing, 635–636
suburbs of, 633–634
Citizenship, 467–468
Civil religions, 490
Civil society, 480–482
Civil War (U.S.), 430
Class, 208–219. See alsoPoverty
charity and, 218, 240–241
crime and, 192–193
definition of, 208
disabilities and, 532
global inequality and. SeeGlobal inequal-
health and, 534–535
hidden injuries of, 215
income inequality and, 217–218
lower, 214
lower upper, 213
Marx’s theory of, 210
middle, myth of, 215–216
middle middle, 214
mobility within, 228
obesity and, 525
political office and, 465–467
political party affiliation and, 470
race and, 218–219
social mobility and, 209, 226–229
in 21st century, 238
underclass, 214–215
upper middle, 213–214
upper upper, 212–213
Weber’s theory of, 210–212
working, 214
Classical sociology, 14–20
Comte’s views and, 14–15
Durkheim’s views and, 16–18

Marx’s views and, 15–16
Simmel’s views and, 19–20
Tocqueville’s views and, 15
Weber’s views and, 18–19
Class position in Weber’s theory, 210
Class systems, 209
Cliques, 85
Clitoridectomy, 288, 289
Clothing, gender and, 290, 350
Cluster samples, 119
Code of Hammurabi, 49
Coercion as pattern of social interaction, 76
Coercive organizations, 92
Cognitive development, Piaget’s theory of,
Cohabitation, 395–397
Collective bargaining, 436, 438
College campuses
interventions tor alcohol abuse on, 544
religion on, 505–507
College education. SeeHigher education
Colonialism, 234–235
Columbine High School (Littleton,
Colorado), 573
Committee for Industrial Organization
(CIO), 438
Common Cause, 472
Common ownership as norm of science,
Common sense, getting beyond, 10–12
nonverbal, 74–75
verbal, 75. See alsoLanguage
Communism, 428–429
The Communist Manifesto(Marx and
Engels), 15–16
Commuting, 634–635
Companionate marriage, 387
Comparisons, appropriate choices for,
Compartmentalizing, roles and, 80
Compensation of CEOs, 219
Competition as pattern of social interaction,
Computers, media and, 594
Comte’s views, 14–15
Concrete operational stage of cognitive de-
velopment, 145, 146
“Conditional cash transfer schemes”
(CCTSs), 225–226
Confirmation bias, 355
ethnic, 271–272
as pattern of social interaction, 76
between rich and poor in United States,
213, 240
Conflict theories, 26–27, 28
of crime, 182, 191
of prejudice and discrimination, 259
Conformity, 86–87
Confounding variables, 112
Confucianism, 498
Congress for Racial Equality (CORE), 92
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