Sociology Now, Census Update

(Nora) #1

Health care
conventional and alternative, 547–549
measuring, 549
reform of, 549–550
youth and, 373
Health Care Reform Act of 2003, 549
Heath High School (Paducah, Kentucky),
Heaven’s Gate cult, 492
Height, 523–526
Herland(Gilman), 22
in-group, 84
out-group, 84
Heterosexism, 335
Heterosexuality, 322, 324
Heterosexual sex, American attitudes about,
Hidden curriculum, 304, 557
The Hidden Injuries of Class(Sennett and
Cobb), 151
Hierarchy of authority in bureaucracies, 95
High culture, 56–59
popular culture versus, 57–59
Higher education. See alsoCollege campuses
admissions and, 578
for-profit universities and, 580–581
inequality and, 577–578
“marketization” of, 581–582
preparing for, 577
student life and, 578–580
High-income countries, 232
Hinduism, 497
Hispanic Americans, 265–266. See also
Ethnicity; Race; Race and Ethnicity
families of, 391
housing discrimination against, 254
in sociology, 34–35
terminology for, 274
A History of Mothers, Infants, and Natural
Selection(Hrdy), 143
HIV/AIDS, 538, 544–545
Home schooling, 574–575
Homophobia, 335–336
Homosexuality, 322–323
adoptions and, 400
American attitudes about, 54, 330, 345
brain and, 512
gay liberation movement and, 336
homophobia and, 335–336
intimate partner violence and, 410
religion and, 503
same-sex marriage and, 394, 399–401
sexual minority communities and,
terminology for, 323
“Hooking up,” 332–333, 392
Housing discrimination, 254
Human ecology, 638–639
Human environment, 618–625
birth and, 618–619
death and, 619–620
immigration and, 620–624

physical movements and, 620–622
population composition and, 624–625
population growth and, 625–629
The Human Side of Enterprise(McGregor),
Hypotheses, 110

Id, 147
Ideas, fads and, 60
Identifiability of minority groups, 248
bodily transformations and, 528–531
ethnic, sexuality and, 334–335
gender. SeeGender identity
groups and, 81–82
sexual.SeeSexual identity
stigmatized, 539
Illiberal democracy, 463
acute, 534
chronic, 534
death rate and, 357
drugs, alcohol, and tobacco and, 541–543
global distribution of, 536–537
HIV/AIDS and, 544–545
infectious, 534
mental, 539–541
sick role and, 537–539
Illness work, 539
Immigration, 273, 620–624
Immigration rate, 622
Immiseration thesis, 475
Impersonality of bureaucracies, 95
Implicit Association test, 248–249
Impression management, 73
In a Different Voice(Gilligan), 147
Incarceration, goals of, 195–196
Incest taboo, 384
Incidence, 533
Income.See alsoClass; Poverty
CEO compensation and, 219
global comparison of, 232
socioeconomic status and, 212
Income inequality, 217–218
Independent variables, 110
Independent World Television (IWT), 613
Inductive reasoning, 107
Industrial economy, 419–420
Industrial Revolution, 13–14, 419, 430
age and, 362–367
deviance and, 177–178
gender. SeeGender inequality
global.SeeGlobal inequality
health and, 533–536
income, 217–218
organizations and, 93–94
sexual.SeeSexual inequality
structure of education and, 566–568
structures of, poverty and, 223–224
youth and, 371–376
Inequality by Design: Cracking the Bell
Curve Myth(Fischer and Hout), 261

Inertia in bureaucracies, 96
Infant mortality rate, 534, 620
global economies and, 231
Infectious diseases, 534
In-group(s), 83–84, 248
In-group heterogeneity, 84
Initiation rituals, 158
Inner controls, 176
gendered, 293–294
health as, 546–550
social, education as, 556–557
total, 24, 92
Institutional corporations, 432
Institutional discrimination, 254
Institutional review boards (IRBs), 133–134
Integration, 255–256
education and, 562–563
race and, 261
Interactive media, 598
Inter-country adoption (ICA), 404
Interest groups, 471–474
Intergenerational violence in families,
Internal labor market, 436
Internal migration, 622–624
International organizations, American gov-
ernmental power and, 464, 484
International Society of Krishna
Consciousness, 493
Internet, 594–595
Internet chat rooms, in research, 135
Internet slang, 50
Interpretive communities, 606
Interracial marriage, 398–399, 400,
Intersectionality of gender identities, 282
Interviews, 112, 116, 126
Intimate partner violence (IPV), 409–410
Intragenerational violence in families,
Inuits, words for snow and, 47
The Invention of Heterosexuality(Katz),
“Invisible hand,” 426
“Iron cage” of bureaucracy, 98
“Isabelle,” 143
Islam, 495–496
Isolated children, 143–144
Isolation, social, aging and, 365

Jihad, 496
Jihad vs. McWorld(Barber), 425
Jobs.SeeEmployment; Workplace entries
Judaism, 495

Kinsey Reports, 327–328
Kinship systems, 382–383
Kissing, 319, 325
Kiwanis, 91
Kmart, 433
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