Sociology Now, Census Update

(Nora) #1

Moral development, Kohlberg’s theory of,
Morbidity rate, 533
Mores, 50, 170
Mortality rate, 533, 619–620
diseases and, 357
infant, 534, 620
maternal, 534
Movies, 592
Multicultural feminism, 309–310
Multiculturalism, 27–32, 272–273
globalization related to, 28–31
in mass media, 600–601
Multigenerational households, 394
Multinational corporations, 432–434
Multiraciality, 246–247
Muscle dysmorphia, 527, 528
MySpace, 89, 90, 91

NAACP, 472
National Opinion Research Center (NORC)
study of sexual behavior, 328–329
National Rifle Association, 91
National Women’s Suffrage Association, 92,
Native Americans, 263–265. See also
Ethnicity; Race; Race and ethnicity
families of, 389–390
terminology for, 274
Natural environment, 640–647
disasters and, 646–647
energy and, 642
threats to, 643–646, 649
vanishing resources and, 643
Natural population increase, 625
Nature-nurture issue, 11
socialization and, 140–141
Negotiation stage of dying, 361
Neighborhood segregation, 256, 276–277
Net migration rate, 622
Networks, 88–91
globalization and, 89–91
scientific, 513–514
social experience and, 88–89
New Age religions, 507–508
New Deal, 430–431
Nickel and Dimed(Ehrenreich), 223
Nicotine, 541–542, 543
Nigger(Kennedy), 274
The 99, 502
Nobel Prize, 515
“No Child Left Behind “ (NCLB) law, 575
No Excuses: Closing the Racial Gap in
Learning(Ternstrom and Ternstrom),
Nonmarital sex, 398
Nonmaterial culture, 41
Nonverbal communication, 74–75
cultural differences in, 74
Norm(s), 48–50
age, 349
Normative organizations, 91–92
NOW, 472

Nuclear family, 287
origins of, 386–388
Nuclear waste, 646

Obesity, 525
Object(s), fads and, 59
as norm of science, 511
in research, 130
detached, 114
participant, 114–115
Observational research methods, 112–118
experiments, 111, 112–114, 126, 134
field studies, 114–117, 126
interviews, 112, 116, 117–118, 126
Occupational crime, 183
Oedipal stage of personality development,
Old age, 356–358
Oligarchy, 460–461
“On call work,” 444
Online poker, 593–594
Opportunity theory of crime, 181–182
Oral stage of personality development, 148
Organic solidarity, 18, 637
Organization(s), 91–99
bureaucracy and, 94–98
coercive, 92
globalization and, 98–99
membership in, 93
normative, 91–92
race, gender, and inequality and, 93–94
utilitarian, 92–93
Organizational crime, 183
Others, developing perspective of, 144–145
Outer controls, 176
Out-group(s), 83–84, 248
Out-group heterogeneity, 84
Outsourcing, 423–424
Overspecialization in bureaucracies, 96
Overstating research results, 131–132
Overt racism, 252

Pan-Indianism, 265
Paradigms, 24
Parent(s), working, 450–451
Parenting, 401–406
adoptive parents and, 400, 404–405
childlessness and, 405–406
gender and, 402
grandparenting and, 403–404
opting out to be full-time mothers and,
single-parent families and, 402–403
“Parkinson’s Law,” 97
Parolees, 198
Participant observation, 114–115
Participatory democracy, 462
Part-time work, 443
Passages(Sheehy), 355
Patriarchy, 282
Patrilineal descent, 383

Pay gap, 448. See alsoWage gap
Pedophilia, 325
Peer group
as agent of socialization, 154
approval of, race and gender and, 155
Pentecostal Revival, 500
People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals,
Periphery in world system theory, 236
Personal computers, media and, 594
bureaucratic, 97
fads and, 60
Freud’s theory of, 147–148
“Peter Principle,” 97
The Philadelphia Negro(Du Bois), 22
Physical sciences, 510
Piaget’s cognitive development theory,
Piece-rate pay system, 436
Pink-collar jobs, 438–439
Pink Collar Workers: the World of Woman’s
Work(Howe), 438
Plain Facts for Old and Young(Kellogg),
Plant species, depletion of, 643
Pledge of Allegiance, 47, 48
Pluralism, 272–273
Police, 193–194
Political action committees (PACs), 466,
Political change, 474–480
revolutions and, 475–476
social movements and, 474–475
terrorism and, 477–480
war and military and, 476–477
Politically correct, use of term, 459
Political office
class, race, gender, and power and,
women in, 302, 313
Political parties, 468–470
affiliations with, 470–471
Political revolutions, 476
Political systems, 459–474
American, 468–474
authoritarian, 460–461
citizenship and, 467–468
democracy, 462–463
problems of, 463–467
Politics, 456–459
civil society and, 480–482
interest groups and, 471–474
polling and, 472
of popular culture, 60–61
power and, 456–459
religion as, 508–510
sexuality and, 335, 338–339
social change and, 480
in 21st century, 482
Polling, elections and, 472
Pollution, 644
indexes of, 640
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