carbon dioxide
(^) bicarbonate and
(^) climate change and
(^) ocean acidification and
(^) carbon sequestration
(^) carrying capacity
(^) catch per unit effort (CPUE)
(^) Centropages
(^) chaetognaths
(^) Chaetozone
(^) chemostats
(^) chlorophyll. See also photosynthesis
(^) blooms and
(^) concentration of
(^) light absorption and
(^) satellite-derived data
(^) chlorophyll fluorescence
(^) Chlorophyta
(^) choreotrichs
(^) Chrysophyceae
(^) circumglobal distribution patterns
(^) Clausocalanus
(^) Clements, Fredric
(^) CLIMAP program
(^) climate change
(^) carbon dioxide and
(^) carbon dioxide/glacial-interglacial cycle and
(^) decadel-scale changes in ocean conditions and biota
(^) CalCOFI
continuous plankton recorder (CPR) survey
Odate project
El Niño events
(^) glacial-interglacial
(^) iron fertilization of the sea
(^) ocean acidification