Community Ecology Processes, Models, and Applications

(Sean Pound) #1

associated recombination during meiosis. Alterna-
tively, mutations, insertions or deletions can change
the genetic make-up of individuals. The majority of
mutations and new genetic combinations are be-
lieved to be deleterious, either because they render
an enzyme or promoter region non-functional or
because they break up co-adapted gene complexes.
Natural selection will quickly purge such variation
from the population. But even without selection a
significant proportion of genetic variation is lost
each generation through the random effect of ge-
netic drift. Especially in small populations, random
drift can quickly reduce genetic variation. Only if
genetic variation has a clear adaptive value will it
be maintained in the population, because the fitness
benefits associated with genetic diversity in a pop-
ulation will decrease extinction risk.
Two principal mechanisms of reducing extinc-
tion risk have been put forward. First, the tangled
bank hypothesis proposes that individuals with
different genotypes may each use a slightly differ-
ent niche and therefore together are able to extract
more food from their environment than genetically
identical individuals (Bell 1991; Barrettet al. 2005).
In addition, different genotypes may compete less
because they explore different microniches (Anto-
novics 1978). The second hypothesis to explain the
advantage of genetic diversity is the Red Queen
hypothesis, which argues that genetic diversity re-
duces the risk of infection or attack by natural ene-
mies (Jaenike 1978). Empirical studies have
provided ample support for the benefits of genetic
diversity within populations, including positive
correlations with increased resistance to distur-
bance by grazing (Hughes and Stachowicz 2004),
increased productivity and foraging rate (Mattila
and Seeley 2007) and enhanced settling success
(Gamfeldtet al. 2005).
However, few studies have actually determined
the underlying mechanism of fitness enhance-
ments. The tangled bank hypothesis assumes that
different genotypes show positive complementari-
ty, because microniche differentiation causes them
to compete less with other genotypes than with
their own genotype. In a study by Reuschet al.
(2005) on a coastal community dominated by the
seagrass speciesZostera marina, experimental plots
with a high genotypic diversity produced a higher

shoot number and more biomass than genetically
impoverished communities or monocultures of
genotypes (Fig. 11.1). They were able to attribute
the effect of genotypic diversity to positive interac-
tions between genotypes, particularly facilitation.
Some genotypes that performed poorly in monocul-
ture had a proportionally strongly reduced mortal-
ity in genotypic mixtures (Reuschet al. 2005). Other
studies, specifically testing the advantage of genetic
complementarity using clonal diversity, also found
effects. Semlitschet al. (1997) found significant dif-
ferences in the life history traits among different
clonal groups inRana esculentaand an increased
proportion of metamorphosed larvae in clonal mix-
tures of frogs compared with a clone reared alone.
In another study, genetically diverse groups of
clones were demonstrated to be better invaders
than genetically uniform groups of invaders. The
better performance of the genetically diverse group
of invaders was attributed to competitive release
experienced by individuals in genetically diverse
populations (Tagget al. 2005).
Experimental evidence for improved population
performance by reduced infection risk in genetical-
ly diverse populations is rare. Schmid (1994) found
evidence that genetic diversity can influence mil-
dew infection levels inSolidago altissima. Infection
rate affected individual performance with
increased height and biomass of less infected
plants, but mean plant performance per plot was
not correlated with genetic diversity levels. The few
studies so far indeed provide evidence for genetic
complementarity as a significant mechanism main-
taining genetic variation.


One genotype




Three genotypes

Leaf shoots (0.25 m

2 )

Six genotypes





May July August September

Figure 11.1Comparison of mean leaf shoot density (SE)
ofZostera marinaamong one-, three- and six-genotype
treatments after climate perturbation, and natural shoot
density at the experimental site. From Reuschet al.
(2005). Copyright 2005 National Academy of Sciences,

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