Community Ecology Processes, Models, and Applications

(Sean Pound) #1

dispersal rates among the more closely aligned me-
tacommunities, resulting in a reduced degree of sto-
chasticity and higher similarity in community
composition. In Effects of dispersal rates on local
community structure (below), we discuss how vari-
ation in the proximity of habitats (which is related to
the rates of dispersal) within a metacommunity
might alter patterns ofa-,b-andg-diversity.

5.5 Species–area relationships and metacommunity structure

Although it is conceptually quite useful, partition-
ing diversity intoa,bandgcomponents is not
always straightforward. Theoretically, one can
imagine localities as patches surrounded by inhos-
pitable matrix (e.g. Mouquet and Loreau 2003;
Amarasekareet al. 2004). In some metacommunities
with patchy structure this assumption is largely
fulfilled, and several such systems have been used
as empirical models of metacommunities. Exam-
ples include water-filled inquilines such as pitch-
er-plant leaves (e.g. Kneitel and Miller 2003; Gotelli
and Ellison 2006), ponds and rockpools (e.g.
Bengtsson 1989, 1991; Chase 2003), islands (e.g.
Simberloff and Wilson 1969; Diamond 1975; Scho-
eneret al. 2002), host plants for insects (e.g. Zabel
and Tscharntke 1998; Kreuss and Tscharnkte 2000),
moss patches on rocks (Gilbertet al. 1998) and rocky
outcrops (e.g. Harrison 1997, 1999; Ostmanet al.
2007). However, in many terrestrial (forests, grass-
lands) and aquatic (oceans, large lakes) landscapes,
the distinction between where one ‘locality’ ends
and another begins is ambiguous at best (Loreau
2000). In these continuous landscapes, diversity
might be scaled or partitioned more objectively
using species–area relationships (SARs).
The positive SAR is one of the oldest and best-
supported patterns in ecology (Lomolino 2000).
SARs can be calculated in two ways: (1) using in-
crementally larger areas in which smaller areas are
nested or (2) using data on richness and area from
distinct separate patches or islands (e.g. Rosenz-
weig 1995). The identity of mechanisms driving
variation in the shape of SARs remains at the fore-
front of research on metacommunity ecology (e.g.
Drakareet al. 2006). The function most frequently
used to describe the SAR is a power law:


whereSis species richness andAis area. When log-
transformed, we get the familiar linearized SAR,
where andCandzare curve-fitting parameters
depicting the intercept (C) and rate of increase (z)
of species with area.
Of primary interest here isz, the slope of the log-
transformed SAR, indicating the steepness of the
increase in the number of species with increasing
area. Although somewhat more complex, varia-
tion in the parameterzis related to variation in
b-diversity (e.g. Connor and McCoy 1979; Rosenz-
weig 1995; Drakareet al. 2006). For example, SARs
are often calculated using a ‘nested’ design (Schei-
ner 2003), by adding together the area of similar
sized smaller patches or sampling units into a
larger area. In this case, if the smaller patches are
highly divergent in their community composition
(higherb-diversity), the increase in species rich-
ness with increasing area – thez-value – will be
higher than if the smaller patches are more similar
to one another (lowerb- diversity). Thus, variation
inzamong sites can provide important informa-
tion regarding the partitioning of diversity across
Several factors can create variation in the slope
methodology is controlled,zvaries among com-
munities (reviewed in Drakareet al. 2006). Some of
this variation can be attributed to factors such as
organism size or trophic position (Holtet al.1999;
Drakareet al. 2006). However, variation inzcan
also emerge from differences in metacommunity
structure. For example,zis generally higher on
islands than on continents (Rosenzweig 1995;
Whittaker and Ferna ́ndez-Palacios 2007). This
might result because islands have lower rates of
dispersal, and thus higher inter-island differentia-
tion than similar sized areas of continents that
have higher rates of dispersal (see Effects of dis-
persal rates on local communities, below). In addi-
tion, in a meta-analysis of SARs, Drakareet al.
(2006) found generally higherz(and thus higher
b-diversity) at lower latitudes (Fig. 5.2). This
indicates the possibility that metacommunity

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