AMPK Methods and Protocols

(Rick Simeone) #1

  1. As for the ZZ-exchange experiment, the sample is tuned and
    shimmed, and the^1 H90pulse is determined.

  2. A list of pulse frequencies (vdlist) is prepared (0, 50, 2x75,
    100, 2x150, 200, 300, 500, 2x700, 800, 900, 1000,
    1500 Hz). The list is prepared with the frequencies in a random
    manner. It is important to setTD1andNBLto the number of
    entries in the vdlist (here 16). The length of mixing time per
    CPMG block (d21) is typically set to 40 ms, so thatTCPMGis
    80 ms. Individual 2D data sets are acquired with 2048t 2 (^1 H)
    and 256t 1 (^15 N) points and 24 scans for eacht 1 point (see
    Note 7).

  3. Trial experiments are conducted at a single field varying ligand
    concentrations until optimal and significantR 2 obsare observed
    (Fig.3)[ 17]. Full data collection is then conducted on the
    same sample at two magnetic fields.

  4. Data can be processed using various software packages. We use
    NMRPipe to process our data (seeNote 8).

  5. The processed NMR data is read into software such as SPARKY
    or similar software and peak intensities (heights) measured. For
    specific peaks these intensities are fitted to the model using
    software packages kindly provided by Dr. Korzhnev
    [12]. From these datakoffis determined andkonfrom ITC-
    derivedKdvalues (eqs.8 and 10). CPMG dispersion profiles
    are initially fit with all parameters calculated on a per residue
    basis. Initial fits are observed to determine if reasonable chemi-
    cal exchange occurred and residues could be excluded from
    further analysis if poor or no chemical shift is observed. In the
    final round residues are fit in a global manner where a singlekoff
    value can be obtained. If chemical shifts for the unbound and
    saturated states are known, chemical shift differences can be
    supplied to calculations (seeNote 9).

4 Notes

  1. Overexpression of the AMPKβ-CBMs inEscherichia coliis
    straightforward. For ITC, protein is expressed inE. coliBL21
    (DE3) in rich media (2xYT) to produce milligram quantities of
    protein. Protein is purified to homogeneity [3]. As the NMR
    experiments described here require^15 N–labelling of the protein,
    expression inE. coliBL21(DE3) is more demanding, requiring
    minimal media with^15 N–ammonium chloride the sole nitrogen
    source and glucose as the sole carbon source. Our favored pro-
    tocols for obtaining large milligram quantities for NMR experi-
    ments are found in these publications [18, 19]. Over the course
    of our work, theβ1- andβ2-CBM^1 H,^13 C,^15 N NMR spectra

96 Paul R. Gooley et al.

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