AMPK Methods and Protocols

(Rick Simeone) #1

3.2 Validation
of Putative AMPK

All procedures are to be performed at room temperature unless
otherwise specified.

  1. Prepare a fresh SDS-PAGE gel for each putative target (see
    Note 13). For each target protein of interest, prepare two
    reaction tubes: one with and one without AMPK. For reactions
    containing AMPK, prepare Buffer B by adding 1μl of recom-
    binant AMPK to 3μl of Buffer A (seeNote 4).

  2. In a clean centrifuge tube, prepare Buffer C by adding 1μlof
    250 mM MgCl2,0.4μlof[γ-^32 P] ATP, 5μl of 10 mM AMP,
    and 3.6μl of Buffer A (seeNote 4).

  3. On ice, add 10μl of Buffer C to each reaction tube, 1μgof
    target substrate, 4μl of Buffer B for reactions containing
    AMPK, and bring the reaction volume to 50μl with Buffer A
    (seeNotes 14– 16 ).

  4. Incubate reactions at 37C for 1 h (seeNote 17).

  5. Stop reactions with the addition of 16.7μlof4Laemmli
    buffer, and place in the heating block set at 100C for 15 min.

  6. While the reactions are incubated, set up SDS-PAGE electro-
    phoresis equipment per the manufacturer’s instructions, and
    fill the inner and outer buffer chambers with Tris-glycine run-
    ning buffer [7, 8].

  7. Load equal volumes of each sample into individual wells, set the
    power supply to 100 volts, and operate until the bromophenol
    reaches the bottom of the gel.

  8. Remove the gel from the electrophoresis cassette, immerse it in
    Coomassie stain, and gently agitate with the orbital shaker or
    rocker for 15 min or until the Coomassie stain has completely
    penetrated the gel.

  9. Place the gel in destaining solution and gently agitate. Periodi-
    cally change the destaining solution until the gel regains its
    transparent appearance and the target protein bands are clearly
    visible. Note that under the reaction conditions present in this
    protocol, AMPK subunit concentrations are below the detect-
    able limit of Coomassie stain. At this point, a Geiger counter
    can be used to assess the level of radiation in the gel. Be sure the
    gel is not submerged in destaining solution while assessing the
    radioactivity, because water will shield radiation causing a false
    reading (Fig.1).

  10. Lay a clean transparency sheet on a bench or flat surface.
    Dampen a piece of Whatman filter paper with water and lay it
    on top of the transparency sheet. Gently remove the gel from
    destaining solution and place it on top of the Whatman paper.
    Once the gel is in place and flat on the Whatman paper, lay a

104 Brendan Gongol et al.

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