AMPK Methods and Protocols

(Rick Simeone) #1

  1. SDS-PAGE gel percentage must be optimized to ensure max-
    imum separation between AMPK subunits and target proteins
    of interest. The molecular weight of AMPK according to each
    subunit is as follows:α(64 kDa),β(30 kDa), andγ(38 kDa)
    subunits of AMPK.

  2. It is recommended to use both positive and negative controls.
    Negative controls can also be used to identify proteins that
    contain autophosphorylation activity under the experimental

  3. The ratio of kinase to target protein in the kinase reaction
    assay may be adjusted, but be aware that nonspecific phos-
    phorylation is more likely to occur as the concentration of
    AMPK and target substrates are increased.

  4. As AMPK has autophosphorylation activity, reactions con-
    taining AMPK alone can be used as a control [1]. However,
    it may also be necessary to use reactions containing a known
    substrate of AMPK such as acetyl-coA carboxylase (ACC) as a
    positive control [9].

  5. Reaction incubation time may be adjusted; however, 1 h for
    kinase reactions is usually sufficient to obtain positive

  6. Gels that are not dried prior to developing the autoradio-
    graph film may have some radiation shielded. If no auto-
    radioactivity is detected, drying the gel may intensify the

  7. The autoradiograph exposure time depends on the level of
    radiant intensity of each sample. If no radiation is detected
    with short exposure times, increasing the exposure time to
    12 h or even several days may be beneficial [10].


This work was supported in part by NIH research grants R01
HL89940 and R01 HL108735 (JS) and Loma Linda University
GRASP 699349 (BG), GRASP 699330 (TM), and GRASP
699336 (TM).


  1. Marin TL, Gongol B, Martin M, King SJ,
    Smith L, Johnson DA, Subramaniam S,
    Chien S, Shyy JY (2016) Identification of
    AMP-activated protein kinase targets by a con-
    sensus sequence search of the proteome. BMC
    Syst Biol 11:9–13
    2. Marin TL, Gongol B, Zhang F, Martin M,
    Johnson DA, Xiao H, Wang Y,
    Subramaniam S, Chien S, Shyy JY (2017)
    AMPK promotes mitochondrial biogenesis
    and function by phosphorylating the epige-
    netic factors DNMT1, RBBP7, and HAT1.
    Sci Signal 10(464):eaaf7478

108 Brendan Gongol et al.

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