AMPK Methods and Protocols

(Rick Simeone) #1
redundancies due to proteins being represented both in Swiss-
Prot and TrEMBL.

  1. Choose “Download” from the menu and select “Fasta (canon-
    ical)” as sequence format. Download the data also as
    tab-separated text that can be imported into a spreadsheet for
    later use. Add KO identifier (seestep 6in Subheading3.1)
    corresponding to every protein in the cross-reference file.

  2. Rename the downloaded files to something meaningful, e.g.,

3.2 Compiling a Set
of Target Species

Select a representative set of target species for your analysis. If you
consider a custom search for orthologs, end with a collection of
protein sets each representing the gene set of an individual species.


Fig. 2Structure of the human AMPK pathway in the KEGG pathways database [13]. The AMPK is highlighted in
green, connected pathways are represented in red color

118 Arpit Jain et al.

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