AMPK Methods and Protocols

(Rick Simeone) #1

  1. Open the URL

  2. You can query the database for ortholog of your seed protein
    using (1) the protein sequence, (2) the gene name, or (3) pro-
    tein annotations. Select the species to display, i.e., the set of
    taxa of interest, and click “Submit.” This will result in hierar-
    chal orthologous groups at each major taxonomic level of the
    selected species.

  3. Download all orthologous groups for PRKAA1 as FASTA files.
    Filter for sequences from your target taxa and save into a new
    Optionalsteps 9– 18. Seesteps 19– 21 for an alternative approach.

You can use HaMStR [25] for extending precompiled ortho-
logous groups retrieved in the previous steps with sequences
from species not represented in the online ortholog collections
(seeNote 6). HaMStR lets you identify orthologs both in protein
sequence data and in transcript collections.

  1. Download and install HaMStR. We will refer in the following
    to the HaMStR directory on your file systems as

  2. Follow the guidelines of the HaMStR package to set the stage
    for your search. Per default, HaMStR comes with a ready-to-
    use collection of protein sets from the Quest for Orthologs
    Reference Species collection (
    ence_proteomes). If your analysis requires protein sets from
    further species, the HaMStR documentation provides the nec-
    essary details for their addition.

  3. For every protein, create a directory insidepathToHaMStR/cor-
    e_orthologs. For example, for the protein PRKAA1, create a
    directory pathToHaMStR/core_orthologs/PRKAA1.Copythe
    prepared ortholog fileAMPK_PRKAA1_Orthologs_Filtered.fa
    (seestep 8in Subheading3.3 ) and rename the file asPRKAA1.
    fa. Please note that the name of the file should be the same as the
    name of the directory (PRKAA1 in this case). HaMStR is a bit
    picky concerning the format of sequence headers. In brief, it
    expects the following structure: proteinName|taxonName|
    sequenceId. For example, if PRKAA1 has the sequence identifier
    “Q13131” in the human gene set provided to HaMStR, the
    sequence header should read as “>PRKAA1|HUMAN@9606|
    Q13131” whereHUMAN@9606is the file name of the human
    gene set (seeNote 7). Take into account that HaMStR assumes
    that a sequence in a FASTA file is not interrupted by line breaks.

  4. Generate a multiple sequence alignment for ortholog
    sequences in pathToHaMStR/core_orthologs/PRKAA1/
    PRKAA1.fausing MUSCLE [32]:muscle -in PRKAA1.fa
    -out PRKAA1.aln.

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