AMPK Methods and Protocols

(Rick Simeone) #1

  1. Wash anti-FLAG M2 affinity agarose gel three times by resus-
    pension in 1 ml of FLAG agarose wash buffer, followed by
    centrifugation at 3,350gfor 3 min.

  2. After the final centrifugation step, resuspend anti-FLAG M2
    affinity agarose gel in CaMKK2 expression cell lysate. Place on a
    rotating wheel at 4C for 1 h, and pellet anti-FLAG M2 affinity
    agarose gel by centrifugation at 3,350gfor 3 min.

  3. Wash anti-FLAG M2 affinity agarose gel three times by resus-
    pension in 1 ml of FLAG agarose wash buffer, followed by
    centrifugation at 3,350gfor 3 min.

  4. For elution, after the final centrifugation step, resuspend in
    FLAG agarose elution buffer (10μl buffer/10μl agarose),
    and place on rotating wheel at 4C for 3 h. Pellet agarose by
    centrifugation at 3,350gfor 3 min, and repeat the 3 h
    elution step. Combine CaMKK2 elutions and dispense into
    20 μl aliquots. Flash freeze aliquots in liquid N 2 for long-
    term storage at 80 C.

  5. For Thr-172 phosphorylation by CaMKK2, immobilize
    AMPK on glutathione agarose (seeNote 12), and wash three
    times in glutathione agarose wash buffer, as described instep 1
    in Subheading3.2. Uniformly resuspend glutathione agarose
    in an equal volume of CaMKK2 phosphorylation buffer (room
    temperature), and add CaMKK2 (20 ng enzyme/10 μl

  6. Place on a rotating wheel at room temperature for 10 min, and
    pellet glutathione agarose by centrifugation at 3,350gfor
    3 min.

  7. Wash glutathione agarose three times by resuspension in 1 ml
    of glutathione agarose wash buffer, followed by centrifugation
    at 3,350gfor 3 min.

  8. For elution, after the final centrifugation step, resuspend in
    glutathione agarose elution buffer (10μl buffer/10μl aga-
    rose), and place on rotating wheel at 4C for 5 min. Pellet
    glutathione agarose by centrifugation at 3,350gfor 3 min.
    Dispense AMPK elution into 50μl aliquots (seeNotes 14and
    15 ). Flash freeze aliquots in liquid N 2 for long-term storage at
     80 C.

  9. If desired, for Thr-172 dephosphorylation, immobilize AMPK
    on glutathione agarose, and wash three times in glutathione
    agarose wash buffer, as described insteps 1– 4 in Subheading

  10. Uniformly resuspend glutathione agarose in an equal volume
    ofλ-phosphatase dephosphorylation buffer (room tempera-
    ture), and addλ-phosphatase (200 activity units/10μl aga-
    rose). Place on rotating wheel at room temperature for 30 min.

166 Jonathan S. Oakhill et al.

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