AMPK Methods and Protocols

(Rick Simeone) #1

  1. Initiate each exchange reaction by incubating 4μl of AMPK
    protein (with or without ligand) with 16μl of AMPK D 2 O
    buffer for a predetermined time (10 s, 30 s, 60 s, 300 s, 900 s,
    and 3600 s in a randomized order) on a 96-well plate setup.
    Sample and D 2 O buffer volume can be adjusted using concen-
    trated protein samples, and incubation times can be varied to
    get maximum deuterium incorporation (seeNotes 26–29).

  2. Slow the exchange reaction rate by mixing the protein solution
    with 30μl of ice-cold quench solution (seeNote 16).

  3. For peptide identification, collect three replicates of control
    undeuterated AMPK sample mixed with H 2 O HDX buffer for
    time 0 s and quenched similar to D 2 O-containing samples.

  4. Pass the quenched reaction mixture (50μl) through the immo-
    bilized pepsin column at 50μl/min, and capture the digested
    peptides onto a C8 trap column and desalt (total time for
    digestion and desalting is 2.5 min).

  5. Separate the peptides using a C18 analytical column with a
    short 8-min linear gradient (5–40% ACN and 0.3% formic acid
    over 5 min, then increased to 100% ACN for 2 min, and finally
    reduced to 5% ACN over 1 min).

  6. Protein digestion and peptide separation steps utilized for
    HDX-MS experiments are identical to MS/MS except for the
    use of a time-compressed gradient used in HDX-MS runs to
    reduce D/H back exchange with chromatography solvents and
    preserve exchanged deuterium (seeNote 16).

  7. Electrospray ionization and MS data acquisition parameters are
    set similar to the tandem MS experiments described above.

  8. Perform three technical replicates for each on-exchange time
    point to allow statistical analysis of the data.

For HDX data analysis, followsteps 30– 34 below.

  1. Load data from mass spectrometer into HDX Workbench [29]
    (previous versions include Deuterator [30] and HD Desktop
    [31]) or similar software. Other software packages can be used,
    but they should be capable of handling high-resolution
    HDX-MS data that are often large and should also support
    ligand comparisons (seeNote 30).

  2. Check that sufficient sequence coverage and unambiguous
    peptide identification (mass accuracy<3 ppm for precursor
    monoisotopic mass) are obtained in the initial peptide detec-
    tion step using undeuterated control samples before proceed-
    ing to estimate percent deuterium incorporation. Sequence
    coverage on HDX datasets is comparatively lower than the
    MS/MS run due to peptide loss in shorter HDX gradient,
    ion suppression by complex samples, and multiple injections

40 Ravi G. Kurumbail et al.

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