AMPK Methods and Protocols

(Rick Simeone) #1
concentration series of compounds. Total volume for each well
is 200μl. The DMSO standards and the compound samples are
set up from the lowest to highest concentrations. The total
number of compound concentrations is based on whether you
expect to observe binding kinetics (use four compound con-
centrations) or equilibrium binding (use six compound

  1. Add four buffer blanks to the beginning of the plate, followed
    by the DMSO standards.

  2. Add two blanks between the DMSO standards and the com-
    pound samples, while also including two buffer blanks between
    each compound concentration series.

  3. Using the Biacore software, create a method such that all
    samples are injected at a flow rate of 50μl/min and 120 s
    contact time. DMSO standards and buffer blanks should have a
    short dissociation time of 10 s. Compound samples will have
    longer dissociation times (generally 300–600 s) based on
    anticipated off rates (koff). Compounds need to be fully dis-
    sociated before the start of the subsequent injection.

  4. Process the binding responses using Scrubber2 to zero,
    x-align, double reference, and correct for excluded volume
    effects (DMSO) in the data.

  5. If the association and dissociation phases of compound binding
    are observable on the time scale of detection, data is fit to a
    simple 1:1 kinetic model using BIAeval to obtain the rate
    parameters (kon, koff) and corresponding affinity constant
    (KD¼koff/kon) (Fig.5).

  6. If the association and dissociation phases of compound binding
    are too fast to measure, KDis determined by fitting the data to
    a steady-state affinity algorithm for single site binding, available
    within the Scrubber2 software [9, 10, 13].

4 Notes

  1. Recombinant proteins can be produced by heterologous
    expression in several host systems such asE. coli, insect cells,
    yeast, or mammalian cells. Biophysical studies require highly
    pure and homogenous protein in large amounts. Expression in
    E. colior insect cells in general allows one to generate recombi-
    nant proteins at reasonable costs while meeting the stringent
    purity demands of biophysical studies of AMPK that exists as a
    heterotrimer ofα,β, andγsubunits. All of crystallographic and
    HDX studies of AMPK that have been reported hitherto
    date have utilized protein reagents produced in bacterial or
    insect cells.

Biophysical Studies to Evaluate Protein-Ligand Interactions 47
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