AMPK Methods and Protocols

(Rick Simeone) #1
multiple freeze/thaw cycles from the same stock to maintain
protein stability.

  1. Solubility of AMPK ligands at high concentrations in aqueous
    HDX buffers needs to be tested and liganded samples should
    be devoid of protein aggregation inducers.

  2. Columns and connector tubings need to be replaced if the
    pressure rises above normal operating ranges. Clogged pepsin
    columns can lead to significant peptide carry-over between

  3. Blank injections with buffer (no protein) are included in
    between sample injections in the macros for HDX methods
    to estimate peptide carry-over between experiments.

  4. The LC system, but not the protease column, is washed (3)
    using a 2-propanol:ACN (2:1 ratio), 0.3% FA gradient
    between HDX experiments to ensure that all columns and
    lines are clean and free of material from prior injections.

  5. Repeated injections can likely clog the pepsin column, and
    blank HDX runs (a full empty run) with buffer only are
    required as a monthly routine procedure to maintain the life-
    time of pepsin columns. Never expose the pepsin column to
    pH above 8.0 as pepsin will be irreversibly inactivated.

  6. Sophisticated software and significant computational power is
    necessary to handle processing of hundreds of peptides with
    multiple replicates over multiple time points.

  7. While localization of perturbation HDX differences are often
    limited to peptide level changes, single amide level resolution
    can be achieved using overlapping peptides, a newly devised
    Bayesian approach [21], or through alternative fragmentation
    techniques such as electron transfer dissociation (ETD) and
    electron capture dissociation (ECD) available in many state-of-
    the art mass spectrometers.

  8. To enable crystallographic studies of activators bound to
    AMPK at the allosteric drug and metabolite (ADaM) site,
    generate a slightly modified form of rat AMPK (called AMPKx-
    tal) that contains full-lengthγsubunit but incorporates the
    following changes on theαand β subunits [9] A flexible
    segment of theα subunit (470–524) is replaced with an
    8 amino acid linker (ASGGPGGS) while the first 67 amino
    acids of theβsubunit are eliminated. Followsteps 2– 14 in
    Subheading3.1 for expression and purification of the crystal-
    lographic construct. In the last step of the purification, elute
    the AMPKxtalprotein from the sizing column with the crystal-
    lographic SEC buffer (seeitem 1in Subheading2.3).

  9. Once initial crystallization conditions are identified, further
    optimization is usually done by systematic screening around

Biophysical Studies to Evaluate Protein-Ligand Interactions 51
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