AMPK Methods and Protocols

(Rick Simeone) #1
substrate, because (for reasons that remain unclear) a higher AMP
dependence is always obtained using the former. With any new
assay format, pilot experiments should be performed to ensure
that the counts obtained are proportional to the amount of kinase

  1. Carry out either in-solution kinase assays or IP kinase assays as
    described in Subheadings3.4 or 3.5, but varying the concen-
    tration of AMP or other allosteric activator. The range of con-
    centrations used should be determined by pilot experiments—
    try plotting the results as a semilog plot, i.e., log 10 [activator]
    concentration versus activity. Defining EC 50 as the concentra-
    tion giving half-maximal activation, the range of concentra-
    tions should cover from one to two orders of magnitude
    below to one to two orders of magnitude above the EC 50.

  2. Calculate the results as described in Subheading3.4 or 3.5. The
    activities can be expressed either as nmol/min/mg or relative
    to activities obtained in the absence of allosteric activator.

  3. At concentrations higher than those that cause activation by
    binding to theγsubunit, AMP begins to inhibit AMPK due to
    competitive binding with ATP at the catalytic site on theα
    subunit [8]. Using suitable software such as GraphPad Prism,
    the data can be fitted to the equation:

Y¼BasalþðÞðÞðÞActivationðÞECBasal 50 þXBasalXðÞðÞActivationðÞIC 50 þBasalX: X
whereYis activity,Basalis the activity in the absence of activa-
tor,Activationis the maximal degree of activation relative to
Basal,Xis the AMP concentration,EC 50 is the concentration
of AMP giving half-maximal activation due to binding to theγ
subunit, andIC 50 is the concentration of AMP giving half-
maximal inactivation due to binding at the catalytic site. If the
activities were expressed relative to those obtained in the
absence of allosteric activator, thenBasalshould be set to a
fixed value of 1. Using activators that do not inhibit at high
concentrations, including most of those binding at the ADaM
site, a simpler equation, which omits the inactivation term, may
be used instead:

ðÞEC 50 þX

3.7 Promotion
of Thr172

Note that AMPK used for promotion of phosphorylation assays
must be dephosphorylated and inactive (seeNote 13). It is essential
that pilot experiments are performed to ensure that activation in the
assay is proportional to the amount of upstream kinase added. The
user should aim for an increase in basal AMPK activity of three- to
fivefold. In-solution assays are typically performed in 25μL reac-
tions using 0.1μg of bacterially expressed heterotrimer. IP kinase
assays are usually performed in 50μL reactions, with the generation
of starting material essentially as in Subheading3.5.Steps 1– 2 and

80 Fiona A. Fyffe et al.

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