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(Rick Simeone) #1

94 Olfaction and Autism

22 Boudjarane MA, Grandgeorge M, Marianowski R, et al. (2017). Perception of
odors and tastes in autism spectrum disorders: A systematic review of
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27 Muratori F, Tonacci A, Billeci L, et al. (2017). Olfactory processing in male
children with autism: Atypical odor threshold and identification. J. Autism
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31 Kumazaki H, Muramatsu T, Fujisawa TX, et al. (2016). Assessment of
olfactory detection thresholds in children with autism spectrum disorders
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32 Wicker B, Monfardini E, Royet JP (2016). Olfactory processing in adults with
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33 Small DM, Pelphrey KA (2015). Autism spectrum disorder: sniffing out a new
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34 Aguillon‐Hernandez N, Naudin M, Roché L, et al. (2015). An odor
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36 Lee W, Yun JM, Woods R, et al. (2014). MeCP2 regulates activity‐dependent
transcriptional responses in olfactory sensory neurons. Hum. Mol. Genet.,
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37 Ashwin C, Chapman E, Howells J, et al. (2014). Enhanced olfactory sensitivity
in autism spectrum conditions. Mol. Autism, 5 :53.
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