198 Autism and Exposure to Environmental Chemicals
where a finite number of hormonal interactions creates an infinite music of life.
The bindings of natural hormones to their respective receptors are critical for
both health and disease. Interference by EDCs can disturb a fine balance of
processes of life and if a fetus is exposed to EDCs they may cause problems in
brain development, cellular differentiation, organogenesis and perturb numer
ous molecular and physiological processes, including regulation of gene and
protein expression, exocytosis of vesicles containing peptide or protein hor
mones, metabolism and steroidogenesis of lipophilic hormones, transport
through circulation (often in association with binding partners), actions at
Thinning hair Loss of eyebrow hair
hair loss
Puffy face
Dry and
coarse skin
extremities and
swelling of the limbs
The thyroid gland
does not produce
enough thyroid
Enlarged thyroid
Slow heartbeat
Poor appetite
Carpal tunnel
Weight gain
Poor memory
Intolerance to cold
Feeling of tiredness
Figure 7.8 Symptoms of hypothyroidism. Source: https://www.massagemag.com/
massage‐therapy‐thyroid‐health‐34099/. Reproduced with permission of Natural
Therapeutics Health Centre Inc.