Front Matter

(Rick Simeone) #1

296 Index

Gore, Al 235
Grandin, Professor Temple 53,
guanine deaminase 244
gustation 83
gustatory diagnostic assessment 85

H1N1 influenza vaccine 251, 267
Haarmann, Wilhelm 4
handedness 149–50
head size 40–1
heavy metals 149, 151, 177t
hemoglobin S (HbS) gene 3
hemolytic disease of newborns 237
hemophilia‐AIDS 25
hepatitis B vaccine (HepB) 42,
272–3, 274
heptachlor 174t
heptachlor‐epoxide 174t
herbicides 4, 149, 288
herd immunity 56
herpes simplex virus
HSV‐1 253
HSV‐2 253
hexachlorocyclohexane 174t
HHCB (1,3,4,6,7,8‐ hexahydro‐4,6,6,
2‐benzopyran) 188
high angular resolution diffusion
imaging (HARDI) 150
hippocampus, neuronal projections
in 101f
history of autism 53–60, 151–2
Hitler, Adolf 53, 54
HIV/AIDS 25, 26, 57–8, 65
HIV‐1 26
Hoffman, Dustin 53, 60
Huntington’s chorea 57, 84, 169
hyperthyroidism 197f, 199
hypospadias 210, 213, 214, 221
(HPG) axis 215, 216f

hypothalamus, gender and 204f
hypothyroidism 198f, 199

immunization schedule
adult (age based recommendations
for children and adolescents (USA)
immunological factors, ASD and
Industrial Bio‐Test Laboratories
(IBT) 170
infertility, male 239
influenza vaccines 267, 271, 275t
H1N1 251, 267
and narcolepsy 250–2, 267
influenza virus 250–4
insecticides 4
intellectual disability 67
interleukin‐6 (IL‐6) 250
International Classification of Diseases,
10th Revision (ICD‐10) 11
Internet, information dissemination
and 60
intestinal disorders 67
Iprodione 174t
IQ 68
irritable bowel syndrome 109

Jackson, Michael 19
Jefferson, Thomas 19
Jenner, Edward 265, 266

Kanner, Chaskel Leib (Leo) 23, 53,
55–6, 67, 69
Karate 174t
kepone (chlordecone) 174t
ketoconazole 174t
Kharasch, Morris 270
Krebs cycle 66
Kuhn, Thomas 1
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