8 – Monitoring threatened ecosystems and ecological communities^109
Threatened ecological community (status)Jurisdiction(s)Weblink
Monitoring actions
Cost estimate
Iron-grass natural temperate grassland of South Australia(Critically Endangered)SA<http://www.environment.gov.au/cgi-bin/sprat/public/publicshowcommunity.pl?id = 37>
4.2. Support landholders to monitor condition. 6.1. Monitor functionally important species. 6.2. Monitor indicators of condition and ecological integrity. 6.3. Monitor indicators of detrimental change.
10 years (2013–2022)
$900 000
Turner (2012a)
Mabi Forest (complex notophyll vine forest 5b)(Critically Endangered)Qld<http://www.environment.gov.au/cgi-bin/sprat/public/publicshowcommunity.pl?id = 30>
4.2. Monitor condition and biodiversity at key sites biannually.4.3. Assess effectiveness of rehabilitation.4.4. Maintain monitoring and other data in database.
5 years (2009–2014)
$25 000 (4.2) $53 000 (4.2–4.4)
Latch (2008)
Peppermint box (
Eucalyptus odorata
) grassy
woodland of South Australia(Critically Endangered)SA<http://www.environment.gov.au/cgi-bin/sprat/public/publicshowcommunity.pl?id = 36>
4.2. Support landholders to monitor condition.6.1. Monitor functionally important species.6.2. Monitor indicators of condition and ecological integrity.6.3. Monitor indicators of detrimental change.
10 years (2013–2022)
Monitoring $1 080 000
Turner (2012b)
Semi-evergreen vine thickets of the Brigalow Belt (North and South) and Nandewar Bioregions(Endangered)Qld, NSW<http://www.environment.gov.au/cgi-bin/sprat/public/publicshowcommunity.pl?id = 24>
1.3. Determine extent and condition in relation to weeds.1.6. Monitor selected populations of the EPBC-listed species.
5 years (2011–2015)
Monitoring $350 000
McDonald (2010)