Monitoring Threatened Species and Ecological Communities

(Ben Green) #1

202 Monitoring Threatened Species and Ecological Communities

Burns EL, Lindenmayer DB, Stein J, Blanchard W, McBurney L, Blair D, et al. (2015)
Ecosystem assessment of mountain ash forest in the Central Highlands of Victoria,
south-eastern Australia. Austral Ecology 40 , 386–399. doi:10.1111/aec.1220 0
Denhardt RB, Denhardt JV (2000) The new public service: serving rather than steer-
ing. Public Administration Review 60 , 549–559. doi:10.1111/0 033-3352 .0 0117
Department of the Environment and Energy (2015) ‘Conservation advice Gymnobeli-
deus leadbeateri (Leadbeater’s possum)’,
Keith H, Vardon M, Stein J, Stein J, Lindenmayer DB (2016) ‘Experimental ecosystem
accounts for the Central Highlands of Victoria’. The Australian National Univer-
sity, Canberra,
Lindenmayer DB (1994) The impacts of timber harvesting on arboreal marsupials at
different spatial scales and its implications for ecologically sustainable forest use and
nature conservation. Australian Journal of Environmental Management 1 , 56–68.
Lindenmayer DB (1996) Wildlife and Woodchips: Leadbeater’s Possum, a Testcase of
Sustainable Forestry. UNSW Press, Sydney.
Lindenmayer DB, Cunningham RB (1997) Patterns of co-occurrence among arboreal
marsupials in the forests of central Victoria, southeastern Australia. Australian
Journal of Ecology 22 , 340–346. doi:10.1111/j.1442-9993.1997.tb00680.x
Lindenmayer DB, McCarthy MA (2002) Congruence between natural and human
forest disturbance: a case study from Australian montane ash forests. Forest Ecology
and Management 155 , 319–335. doi:10.1016/S0378-1127(01)00569-2
Lindenmayer DB, McCarthy MA (2006) Evaluation of PVA models of arboreal marsu-
pials: coupling models with long-term monitoring data. Biodiversity and Conserva-
tion 15 , 4079–4096. doi:10.1007/s10531-005-3367-7
Lindenmayer DB, Meggs RA (1996) Use of den trees by Leadbeater’s possum (Gymno-
belideus leadbeateri). Australian Journal of Zoology 44 , 625–638. doi:10.1071/
Lindenmayer DB, Ough K (2006) Salvage logging in the montane ash eucalypt forests
of the Central Highlands of Victoria and its potential impacts on biodiversity.
Conservation Biology 20 , 1005–1015. doi:10.1111/j.1523-1739.20 06.0 0501.x
Lindenmayer DB, Possingham HP (1995a) The conservation of arboreal marsupials in
the montane ash forests of the Central Highlands of Victoria, south-eastern
Australia: VII. Modelling the persistence of Leadbeater’s possum in response to
modified timber harvesting practices. Biological Conservation 73 , 239–257.
Lindenmayer DB, Possingham HP (1995b) The Risk of Extinction: Ranking Manage-
ment Options for Leadbeater’s Possum using Population Viability Analysis. Centre
for Resource and Environmental Studies, Canberra.
Lindenmayer DB, Possingham HP (2013) No excuse for habitat destruction. Science
340 , 680. doi:10.1126/science.340.6133.680-a
Lindenmayer DB, Tanton MT, Norton TW (1990) Leadbeater’s possum – a test case for
integrated forestry. Search 21 , 156–159.

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