Monitoring Threatened Species and Ecological Communities

(Ben Green) #1

Central Highlands of Victoria 19 4,
195, 197–9, 397, 404
Chalcophaps indica natalis 261
Chelonia mydas 74
Chlamydogobius squamigenus 377
Christmas Island blind snake 70
Christmas Island emerald dove 261
Christmas Island f lying fox 261
Christmas Island forest skink 72
Christmas Island frigatebird 47
Christmas Island National Park 25 6,
Christmas Island reptiles 72
Christmas Island shrew 25 , 26
Christmas Island surveys 261
Christmas Island thrush 261
chuditch 180 , 182, 183
chytrid fungus 58 , 59, 62, 167
chytridiomycosis 58
citizen science, bird monitoring 16 1,
359– 66, 390 –1
malleefowl monitoring 39 0–1, 394
public engagement 21 4, 216
clearfell logging 19 6, 400–2, 403, 404,
closed robust design (CRD) model
coastal skink 72
Cocos buff-banded rail 255
common brushtail possum 18 0, 182
Commonwealth funding 5, 199, 347
communication, of monitoring
results 18, 81, 103, 142–5, 189, 247,
365, 424, 434–5
community, offset area
monitoring, 117
community engagement, monitoring
threatened species 15 7, 194, 198–9,
206, 214–16, 218, 325, 334–6, 341,
345–57, 360, 362–3, 430–1
community participation, in
monitoring 3 69–72

conceptual models 18 7, 213, 229–31,
244–5, 398, 400, 432
Conilurus capricornensis 25
conservation legislation, ecological
communities 10 2, 103–4
conservation management, measuring
effectiveness 137–45
conservation policy assessment 13 9–
coordination, monitoring 3, 17
covariate data 187
Crocidura trichura 25, 26
Cryptoblepharus egeriae 72, 255
Cumberland Bird Observers Club
curlew sandpiper 15 8, 160
Cyanoramphus cookii 255, 259, 262
Cybertracker 35 6, 390–1

Darwin Harbour 292 , 296, 297, 298
Darwin Harbour Monitoring
Program 296
Dasycercus blythi 279, 281–5, 287
Dasyornis brachypterus 232–3, 259
Dasyurus geoffroii 180, 182, 183
Dasyurus hallucatus 245, 255, 354
data accessibility, monitoring 18
data capture, scale 144
data management 38 , 434
data sharing, shorebird
monitoring 1 60–1
datasets 140–1, 161, 231, 361
reference 16 7, 187
decision making 22 7, 229, 233, 235,
247–8, 420, 431, 432
decision triggers 41 8, 423, 432
demographic parameters,
monitoring 19
Dendrolagus lumholtzi 306 –7
Department of Environment, Water
and Natural Resources
(DEWNR) 334 , 336, 337
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