Monitoring Threatened Species and Ecological Communities

(Ben Green) #1

ng way ir 180 , 182, 183, 186, 187
night skink 328
Ninox novaeseelandiae undulata 259
Ninox strenua 363
Nitmiluk National Park 27 1, 272
Niveoscincus palfreymani 70 –1
non-government organisations,
monitoring by 13 2–3
Norfolk Island boobook owl 259
Norfolk Island National Park and
Botanic Garden 257
North American whooping
cra ne 2 15 –16
northern bettong 34 7–51
Northern Bettong Project 34 5–6,
northern corroboree frog 64
northern hairy-nosed wombat 27
northern masked owl 50
northern quoll 24 5, 255, 354
Notamacropus eugenii 180, 182,
Notamacropus irma 182
numbat 180, 182, 241
Numenius madagascariensis 158, 159

occupancy 271 –5, 276
olive ridley turtle 74
omnibus survey techniques 247
on-ground shorebird monitoring 155
Onychogalea fraenata 25, 241
orange-bellied frog 64
orange-bellied parrot 365
orchid monitoring 33 9–40
orchids 337, 338–40, 342
Oryctolagus cuniculus 182, 212, 324

Pachycephala rufiventris 221, 273
Papasula abbotti 261
Paradelma orientalis 70
Parks Australia 25 3–66
Pedionomus torquatus 50
Pedra Branca skink 70 –1

peppered tree frog 60
Perameles gunnii 27
Petauroides volans 195, 196, 259
Petaurus australis 195, 196
Petaurus breviceps 195
Petrogale burbidgei 351
Petrogale coensis 245
Petrogale concinna 351
Petrogale lateralis 327, 328, 351
Petrogale penicillata 235
Petrogale sharmani 241
Phascogale tapoatafa 180, 182, 186,
Philoria frosti 168–9, 173, 174
Phytophthora cinnamomi 180
pigs, feral 37 8–9
Pilliga forest, NSW 242
pink-lipped spider-orchid 339
plains mouse 287
plains wanderer 50
plants, monitoring 24 6, 333–43
political engagement 19 9, 200
Pollock method 294 , 295
Polytelis alexandrae 3, 50
population analysis 27 2–6
population change, by environmental
factors 2 86–7
mammals 18 2, 184–5, 189
population decline, diagnosis 20 5–6
drivers 316
frogs 58, 60, 62, 165–75
shorebirds 1 57–9
population trends 14 0, 241, 242, 317
irruptive species 27 9–89
monitoring 26 9–77, 280–9
Potorous gilberti 25
Potorous tridactylus 259
power analysis 22 1, 270–7, 310–11,
318, 393, 394
powerful owl 363
Powerful Owl Project 36 0, 363
princess parrot 3, 5 0
principles, monitoring 42 7–36
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