Devita, Hellman, and Rosenberg's Cancer

(Frankie) #1

LWBK1006-13 LWW-Govindan-Review November 24, 2011 11:22

142 DeVita, Hellman, and Rosenberg’s CANCER: Principles and Practice of Oncology Review

Question 13.4. A healthy 85-year-old man was found to have an elevated prostate-specific
antigen (PSA) level. He had no urologic symptoms. Evaluation and biopsy
revealed a localized prostate cancer with a low Gleason score. This is an
example of:
A. Primary prevention
B. Secondary prevention
C. Tertiary prevention
D. Case finding

Question 13.5. Which of the following statements regarding the risk of developing
esophageal cancer is true?
A. Chronic gastroesophageal reflux disease increases the risk for
esophageal cancer.
B. Surveillance with upper endoscopy reduces the risk of esophageal
C. Aggressive antireflux therapy for patients with Barrett’s esophagus
reduces the risk of esophageal cancer.
D. Patients with Plummer-Vinson syndrome do not have increased risk
for esophageal cancer.

Question 13.6. A new screening test for ovarian cancer was developed. It was tested in
a tertiary care academic medical center in a group of women with breast
cancer (BRCA) mutations and was found to have a sensitivity of 70%,
specificity of 90%, and positive predictive value (PPV) of 10%. If a woman
in the study population is found to have a positive (abnormal) test result,
how would you interpret it?
A. There is a 30% chance that this represents a false-positive result.
B. There is a 10% chance that this represents a false-positive result.
C. There isa9in10chance that this represents a false-positive result.
D. You can be 90% sure that your patient has the disease.

Question 13.7. If the use of this test (from Question 13.7) is expanded to the general
population, it is expected that:
A. The test sensitivity will be lower.
B. The test specificity will be lower.
C. The PPV will be lower.
D. The test specificity will be higher.

Question 13.8. Which one or more of the following screening tests for colorectal cancer
have been proven effective in randomized controlled trials?
A. Fecal occult blood testing
B. Flexible sigmoidoscopy
C. Air-contrast barium enema
D. Colonoscopy
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