Devita, Hellman, and Rosenberg's Cancer

(Frankie) #1

LWBK1006-Index LWW-Govindan-Review December 19, 2011 19:14


ABC.SeeActivated B cell (ABC)
Abdominal biopsies, percutaneous,
162, 170
Abdominoperineal resection (APR),
ABO blood group
lung cancer and, 251
pancreatic cancer and, 73, 76,
246, 251
Abscess drainage, percutaneous,
164, 174–175
Absolute risk, 71, 75
ABT-737, 19, 27
ABVD.SeeAdriamycin, bleomycin,
vinblastine, dacarbazine
Acetaldehyde and DNA adducts,
61, 67
Acquired immune deficiency
syndrome (AIDS), 38, 497,
CNS lymphoma in, 498, 500–501
KS and, 40, 52
Acquired von Willebrand’s disease,
520, 523
hormone (ACTH)
Actinic keratosis (AK), 136, 138,
378, 381
Activated B cell (ABC), 417, 431
Activator protein (AP)-1, 422
Acupuncture therapy, benefits from,
590, 594
Acute cholecystitis, treatment of,
Acute lymphoblastic leukemia
asparaginase for, 127, 132
methotrexate for, 127, 132
Acute lymphocytic leukemia (ALL)
dexamethasone, 442, 447
imatinib, 442, 448
maintenance therapy for, 442, 448
6-mercaptopurine, 442
methotrexate, 442
prednisone, 442
prognostic factors for, 442
vincristine, 442
Acute megakaryocytic leukemia,
and NSGCT, 220, 228
Acute myeloid leukemia, electrolyte
imbalance and, 504, 507
Acute myeloid leukemias (AML)
alkylator therapy in, 445
AML1-ETO, 437, 443
CEBPA gene and, 443

clofarabine in, 441, 446
cytarabine in, 439
cytogenetic abnormalities in, 438,
cytopathology in, 437, 443
diffuse alveolar hemorrhage, 438,
DNMT3A mutation, 437, 443
graft-versus-tumor effects, 441,
HIDAC in, 441, 447
induction therapy in, 438, 444
MDS risk, 445
NPM1 mutation in, 442, 448
older patients with, 439,
prognostic factors for, 438, 444
RUNX1-RUNX1T1, 437, 443
stem cell transplantation for, 442,
swollen gums, 438, 444
tipifarnib in, 439
treatment of, 439, 445
Trisomy 21, 445
zinc finger protein, 437
Acute promyelocytic leukemia
(APL), 439, 445
ATRA, 440, 446
cryoprecipitate, 440, 446
differentiation syndrome in, 446
fresh-frozen plasma, 440, 446
methylprednisolone in, 440
risk of relapse in, 440, 446
AD.SeeAutosomal-dominant (AD)
Addison’s disease, 223
Adenocarcinoma, 475, 479
cigarette smoking and, 43
incidence of, 231
Adenosine triphosphate (ATP), 20,
ADH.SeeAtypical ductal
hyperplasia (ADH)
Adjuvant chemotherapy, 365, 368,
370, 371, 372, 373, 377, 380
benefits of, 337, 345
role of, 96, 100, 216, 223
taxanes in, 337, 345
Adoptive cell transfer therapies,
107, 112
Adoptive immunotherapy, 111
Adrenal biopsies, complication of,
Adrenal carcinoma, 355, 362
Adrenocortical carcinoma, 355,

Adrenocorticotropic hormone
(ACTH), 225
Adriamycin, bleomycin, vinblastine,
dacarbazine (ABVD), 424
Adult T-cell leukemia (ATL), 37, 49
pathogenesis of, 37
Aflatoxins, liver cancer and, 57, 63
AFP.SeeAlpha-fetoprotein (AFP)
African-American men and prostate
cancer risk, 144, 147
Aggressive neuroendocrine
carcinomas, 475, 479
bronchoscopy in, 479
colonoscopy in, 475, 479
TTF-1 and, 475, 479
Aging and autophagy, 20, 28
AI.SeeAromatase inhibitor (AI)
AIDS.SeeAcquired immune
deficiency syndrome (AIDS)
AK.SeeActinic keratosis (AK)
Akt, 15
ALCL.SeeAnaplastic large cell
lymphoma (ALCL)
breast cancer and, 61, 67
cancer and, 57, 63
colorectal cancer and, 61, 67
HCC and, 39, 50
laryngeal cancers and, 61, 67
and SCCHN, 195, 199
Alemtuzumab, 448, 544, 549
in CLL treatment, 452, 456
Alfalfa, 592, 596
Alkylating agents, 95, 100
ALL.SeeAcute lymphocytic
leukemia (ALL)
Allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell
transplantation (HSCT), 528,
CMV reactivation risk after, 528,
GVL effect and, 525, 531
hemorrhagic cystitis in, 529, 536
high-dose chemotherapy for, 525,
late complications after, 529,
Allogeneic transplant conditioning
choice of, 529, 535
for disease-free survival in CML,
526, 531
myeloablative, 525, 531
objectives of, 525, 531
reduced-intensity, 529, 535

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