policy-making’ (in Chinese), International Technology Research and Development, 23 (1),
- Zin Chuan (2004), ‘Nation ensures ozone layer protection goal’, China Daily, 17 September,
p. 1.
- Ross, 1998, op cit, n. 21, p. 814.
- Palmer, 1998, op cit, n. 3, p. 792.
- Ross, 1998, op cit, n. 21, p. 816–7.
- For example, Art. 8 calls for countries to establish representative systems of protected areas;
Art. 7 requires member countries to monitor biodiversity and conservation activities; and
Art. 17 obliges countries to share such information globally.
- See, for example, National Environmental Protection Administration of China (1998),
China’s National Report on Implementation of the Convention of Biological Diversity,
Beijing: China Environmental Sciences Press, and State Environmental Protection
Administration (2001), China’s Second National Report on Implementation of the
Convention on Biological Diversity, Beijing: China Environmental Sciences Press.
- Zin Chuan (2004), ‘Legislators to ratify convention on POPs’, China Daily, 9 June,
p. 2.
- Li Jing (2005), ‘World biosafety standard adopted’, China Daily, 20 May, p. 2.
- Ross, 1998, op cit, n. 21, p. 816.
- Palmer, 1998, op cit, n. 3, p. 807.
- Drawn selectively from ‘Table 3: Chronology of key events in the development of
China’s biodiversity conservation’, see: http://www.chinabiodiversity.com/shengwudyx2/
experiences-lessons/34p-table3.htm, last accessed 1 August 2005.
- State Environmental Protection Administration of China (2001), China’s Second National
Report on Implementation of the Convention on Biological Diversity, Beijing: China
Environmental Science Press.
- Personal interview with manager, Office of Biosafety and Biodiversity Conservation, SEPA,
Beijing, 21 May, 2005.
- The following analysis summarizes interviews held at the SFA, 28 June, 2004 and 20 May,
2005, with managers in the Division of Wildlife Management.
- For an analysis of wildlife industry practices, see Zhu Shengnan (2003), ‘Preliminarily on
the legislation system of wildlife industry in China’ (in Chinese), Northeast Forestry
University, MS thesis.
- For a review of compensation arrangements, see Kong Fanbin and Wei Hua (2004), ‘Forest
ecological protection and legal mechanisms for benefit compensation’ (in Chinese), Journal
of Arid Land Resources and Environment, 18 (5) (September), 112–18.
- Government Information Office (GI0) (2002), The Republic of China Yearbook, Taipei,
p. 205.
- Legislative Yuan (1989, 1994), The Wildlife Conservation Law and Its Implementing
Regulations, Taipei.
- GIO (2002), Republic of China Yearbook, op cit, n. 42, p. 201.
- Legislative Yuan (1989), The Wildlife Conservation Law.
- Iang Ru-Su (2004), ‘Achievements and problems of Taiwan’s conservation laws and
institutions’, Taiwan Environmental Information Association, see http://e-info.org.tw/
- Council of Agriculture, Republic of China (2002), Exploring Biodiversity in Taiwan,
- National Council for Sustainable Development (ROC) (2002), Sustainable Development
Action Plan, Taipei: December, p. 31.
- Personal interview with Chiou-feng Yu, Resources Conservation Division, Forestry
Department, COA, 19 March, 2003.
- Economy, Elizabeth (2004), The River Runs Black: The Environmental Challenge to China’s
Future, Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, p. 263.
- Personal interview with official, Ministry of Construction, Beijing, 27 April, 2004.
- Interview with official of the State Oceanic Administration, Beijing, 1 January, 2005.
- Tong Fengqin (1999), ‘Advances in the research of biodiversity in CAS’, in Yang Chaofei
The framework for biodiversity conservation 97