Chinese and non-Han minority populations who may approach conservation in
unorthodox ways, and who populate many PAs, especially those on China’s
periphery. One dimension of this conflict is a disrespect for traditional
ecological knowledge of minority peoples, which makes national management
measures difficult to enforce.^66 Yet, as Harris suggests, ‘Wildlife communities
and habitats are generally healthier and more intact in areas of predominantly
ethnic minority occupance than in ethnic Han areas’.^67
A second dimension of this conflict extends beyond acknowledgment of the
value of indigenous ecological knowledge to its integration into species and
ecological protection strategies and management decisions. In several case
studies, researchers have discovered that acceptance and use of local
ecological knowledge benefits not only the preservation of species and
ecosystems, but also the survival of minority cultures.^68 These explorations
into greater acceptance and use of traditional ecological knowledge have
prompted experimentation with community co-management of nature
This critical analysis of China’s nature reserves would be incomplete without
consideration of an example of success. We present the well-managed Mt
Gaoligong Nature Reserve of Yunnan Province. The Mt Gaoligong Nature
Reserve is located in the western reaches of Yunnan Province, bordering
Myanmar. Its pivot is Mt Gaoligong, in the largest mountain range on the
western side of Mt Hengduan, rising from 2378 meters to a peak of 4649
meters. Historically, the Gaoligong mountain range has been a barrier to travel
along China’s southwest border. Local people describe it as ‘having four
seasons within the same mountain’.^70 The nature reserve stretches south to the
Nu River (Nujiang), a semi-tropical area.
Distinctive geologic land forms include volcanoes, lava rock, and
geothermal springs. The region is rich in biodiversity, especially of plants;
orchids, China roses, rhododendras, camellias, azaleas, Chinese yew, king
gingko, and ceibas. The mountain is the home of the rhododendra tree. Animal
species are also diverse and include the takin, black muntjac, Bengal tiger,
clouded leopard, white-brow gibbon, red pheasant and other vertebrates
comprising 82 of the key species on the national protected list. Also, 15 ethnic
minority groups live within and in the vicinity of the nature reserve.
In 1981, pleas from local middle-school teachers and Yunnan University
professors, who believed that economic development was adversely affecting
the rich biodiversity of Gaoligong, led to the formation of a forestry project
area and subsequently a forest park. In 1986, the State Council declared Mt
Protected areas and biodiversity conservation 117