changing the old style of being fighters and combative, and instead are
emphasizing “love of nature and people”’.
Overall, this approach corresponds with the concept of integrated conserva-
tion and development – a form of reconciling the management of PAs to the
economic and social needs of local people, while attempting to reduce pres-
sures on species and critical habitats. In the process, the reserve management
has worked with local non-governmental organizations (NGOs), such as village
biodiversity conservation associations and co-management committees.^73
The Mt Gaoligong nature reserve is less than 20 years old, and we lack
baseline data from the 1980s to determine what its overall impact has been on
rare and endangered species and ecosystems. Compared to other PAs reported
on here, however, its pragmatic management, attention to the needs of local
communities, and traditional philosophy appear to have produced progressive
To conserve ecological diversity, the government has set aside 19.6 percent of
Taiwan’s total land area in a multi-tiered conservation system that includes six
national parks, 19 nature reserves, nine forest reserves, 17 wildlife refuges,
and 30 major wildlife habitats. Figure 5.2 below displays these protected areas
and Table 5.3 sorts them by the protected categories of the IUCN.
Table 5.3 Categories of protected areas in Taiwan
Name IUCN categories Numbers Size Area (%)
(I–VI) (hectares)
Nature Reserves I 19 64777 1.8
National Parks II 6 322845 9.0
921 National III 17 Currently only
Earthquake Mountains designated areas
Wildlife Refuges IV 13 23200 0.6
Major Wildlife IV 28 296572 8.3
National Scenic Areas V 10 469980 13.06
Forest Reserves VI 9 21739 0.6
Total 102 1199113 33.36
Source: Shin Wang, ‘The Development and Management of Taiwan’s Protected Areas’,
Proceedings of IUCN/WCPA-EA-4 Taipei Conference, March 18–23, 2002, Taipei, Taiwan, see
Protected areas and biodiversity conservation 121