reduction or adjustment of timber output in state-owned forest farms of
the northeast and Inner Mongolia; and rehabilitation and development of
natural forests in other regions.
- Shelterbelt Development Programs – this involves establishing planta-
tions in two large regions: the three Norths (North, Northeast and
56 Governance of biodiversity conservation in China and Taiwan
Table 3.3 China’s afforestation programs since the 1970s
Name of Duration Coverage Intended 1999 Results
Program Target
National 1987–present Varied over Varied over 27.9 billion
Greening time time trees planted
‘Three Norths’ 1978–2050 551 counties Afforestation 25.67 million
Shelterbelt in 13 of 35 million ha planned
Program provinces ha by 2050
Protective 1989–2000 271 counties Planting and 4.8 million
Afforestation, in 12 restoration of ha planted
upper/middle provinces 6.8 million ha
reaches of
Coastal 1991–2000 195 counties Planting of 1.1 million
Shelterbelt in 11 3.6 million ha ha planted
Program provinces
Cropland 1988–2000 918 counties Set standard 850 counties
Protection and in 26 reached
Agro-Forestry provinces standard
in the Plains
Taihang 1990–2010 110 counties Planting of 3.3 million
Mountain in 4 provinces 4 million ha ha planted
Combating 1991–2000 598 counties Control Desertification
Desertification in 17 desertification controlled in
Campaign provinces in over 8 million ha
7.2 million ha
Notes: hectare = ha.
Source: Adapted from Runsheng Yin, Jintao Xu, Zhou Li, and Can Liu (2005), ‘China’s
Ecological Rehabilitation: The Unprecedented Efforts and Dramatic Impacts of Reforestation and
Slope Protection in Western China’, Woodrow Wilson Center, China Environment Series, Issue 7,
p. 19.