Empire Australia - 07.2019

(Sean Pound) #1
Above: Inglourious
Basterds’ Colonel
Hans Landa (Christoph
Waltz) — QT’s most
fun character to write.
Right: Kurt Russell
in Death Proof,
which was released
as a double feature,
Grindhouse, in the US.

The Good, The Bad And The Ugly is your
favourite film. But what is your favourite
shot from it?
That’s easy. During the three-way bullring
showdown at the end, the music builds to
the giant orchestra crescendo, and when it
gets to the first big explosion of the theme
there’s a wide shot of the bullring. After
you’ve seen all the little shots of the guys
getting into position, you suddenly see the
whole wideness of the bullring and all the
graves around them. It’s my favourite shot
in the movie, but I’ll even say it’s my
favourite cut in the history of movies.

What inspired Drexl Spivey [Gary
Oldman] in True Romance?
Well, I wrote Drexl for myself to play.
Because I didn’t think it would get made as
a Tony Scott movie — I thought it would
be, like, an $800,000 movie. I thought,
“No-one’s going to let me play Clarence,
but I could maybe play Drexl in a cheaper
movie.” So basically it was just a role that I
thought I would do a good job with.

Alright, Quentin. Everyone says I look like
you. Who have you been told you look like?

Well, when I was younger I did resemble
Kurt Russell a little bit. And in my
twenties I resembled Elvis a little bit
because I was trying to look like Elvis. I
had a pompadour, my hair was dyed
black and I had sideburns. I don’t know
how much I looked like him, but I was
trying to look like him!

What’s your favourite memory from your
Video Archives [the video rental store he
worked in] days?
One would be the camaraderie of the guys
who worked there. The way you have those
friendships in your twenties where you’re
like a little family and do everything
together. We went to the movies all the
time, we watched movies all the time in the
store, we talked about them ad nauseam
— people came in the store just to talk to
us. It was just a lot of fun. But my greatest
memory is my first real girlfriend — the
first girl I ever really fell in love with and
she loved me back. She was a girl named
Grace Lovelace, who started working at
the videostore. Meeting her and the
relationship we had for three years is my
favourite memory of that time.

You appeared in four episodes of Alias.
Can you reveal an alias that you’ve used
for hotel bookings etc?
The name oftentimes that I used,
especially when I was going to Austin a
lot for my QT-Fest, was William Devane’s
name from Rolling Thunder: Charlie Rane.

Captain America: The Winter Soldier
references Pulp Fiction. Do you watch
Marvel films?
I haven’t been keeping up to date with
them for, I guess, the last four years. I
think the only comic-book movies I saw
last year at theatres were Wonder Woman
and Black Panther. But about a couple of
weeks ago I started catching up with
some of the Marvel movies so I could go
see Endgame. I just finished Captain
America: Civil War, so next up is Doctor
Strange. Actually, the last one I saw was
[Thor:] Ragnarok. I loved it. It was my
favourite one of the series since The
Avengers — drastically my favourite.

How many films do you watch a week?
Right now, frankly not that many. When
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