Architects Datafile (ADF) – June 2019

(Nora) #1


t wasn’t the best time to set up a studio,” says Jason Geen,
studio leader at Apt. “We were founded in 2009 in the
months leading up to the world banking crash, and lack of
trust in the stock market.” Despite these potentially turbulent
beginnings under the practice’s former names – first Robin
Partington Architects, then Robin Partington & Partners – the
firm was a success.
Founder Robin Partington established the studio after having
spent his architectural career designing for renowned practices
such as Hamiltons and Foster & Partners, managing to secure a
series of large projects early on which went to propel the new
practice into the next decade, high profile examples include Park
House, a mixed use scheme opposite London’s Selfridges, and a
residential scheme in Paddington, Merchant Square.
“We never set out with a manifesto,” says Geen, who joined
the practice in 2011, “just as the studio was really beginning to
get into its stride.” From the beginning, the architects always
wanted the studio to develop into “a place of trust and fun; a
collaborative think-tank of all ages and experiences,” with a more
pragmatic shared aim of “being problem solvers.”
The architects’ recent rebrand – infusing the name Apt – marks
10 years of robust architectural output, amounting to nearly 30
projects, along with a set of other new organisational changes
and a renovated vision for the future of the studio.

A positive ripple
The studio began with Robin, the sole owner of the business,
who took on all the financial commitments. After a number of
years in operation, questions about success and succession, and
promotions and growth began looming: “How could we prepare
for this?” asks Geen rhetorically. “How could we adopt the John
Lewis model – of an employee ownership trust?”
He continues: “We live in this incredibly expensive city which is
undergoing huge change. What we wanted to do was to get into a
position where there was a completely fair structure; where if
you were talented, there was nothing blocking your elevation and
promotion through the studio?”
The rebrand was, for the architects, a way of reflecting their

A rebrand of a fast-growing practice gave
it a facelift and left staff re-energised.
Sébastien Reed speaks to Apt’s studio
leader Jason Geen

Apt Architects


1 New Street Square, a retail/office development in the heart of the City of London
saw the creation of an award-winning, landmark building


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