Architects Datafile (ADF) – June 2019

(Nora) #1



pecifiers, social housing providers and
contractors involved in concealing fire
sprinkler pipework, as part of ongoing
tower block fire protection upgrades, could be
inadvertently contravening compliance and
sustainability policies, as non-FSC® certified
plywood boxing is still available in the UK.
As these products are manufactured from
wood, contractors should be purchasing only
FSC®or PEFC certified products, as required
by the government’s ‘Timber Procurement
Policy’ (TPP) guidelines, as well as the latest
edition of the Timber Procurement Advisory
Note (TPAN) from Defra.
Extracts from Defra’s guidance on
compliance with the TPP states:
Government procurers and their suppliers
should have documentary evidence to
show the timber supplied is at a minimum
from legal and sustainable sources. This
evidence should include full chain of custody
from the forest source(s) to the end user.
Suppliers and buyers must check evidence to

verify its validity.
Also, The Forest Stewardship Council
(FSC) has stated, ‘If you don’t know where
your timber and paper come from, you
could be part of the problem’. The
FSC’s procurement factsheet provides
clear recommendations on procurement
procedures and compliance checks that
should be made:

  • Check that delivery notes and invoices
    clearly identify the FSC certified products
    and includes the supplier’s FSC certificate
    code. In addition Encasement Limited
    advises that to be confident of compliance,

always ensure that the individual product
description for every item listed is
identified specifically as FSC® compliant.

  • Specify FSC certified materials when
    placing your order and let your supplier
    know that you need them to make an FSC
    claim on their sale documents.

  • Source from an FSC certified supplier. All
    FSC certified organisations are included
    within the FSC certificate database at

Encasement’s Managing Director, Martin
Taylor, explained: “The best way for this to
be enforced is to explicitly specify the use of
FSC Chain of Custody certified products as
the default and diligently monitor the
products used by contractors and suppliers.
Ignorance is no defence, especially when
guidance and information on procedures is
readily available.”

01733 266 889

Fire sprinkler boxing and FSC

compliance –

Ignorance is no defence

Is ‘CrashCore’ the Ultimate Bollard?
A recent spate of storefront crashes – vehicle
drivers crashing through the front of retail or
office space windows – led facility protection
experts McCueto look into the causes and
work on their own solution. Enter McCue’s
R&D team and the all-new CrashCore
Bollard. Designed and tested to repel 30mph vehicles (to F3016 rating),
the CrashCore might just be the most high-tech and innovative bollard
the world has ever seen.Thanks to the CrashCore Bollard, no longer
will managers live with the threat of vehicle or driving error causing
extensive damage or injury in their working spaces.
01908 365 511

Furnish with Norbord
Norbord produced the world’s first MDF and, in
1979, its Cowie factory became the first to produce
MDF in the UK. Today the company manufactures
a full range of MDF products for a variety of
applications, including light weight and standard
weight grades and moisture-resistant versions. Its top-
quality grade, CaberWood MDF Pro is designed specifically for
the production of high-grade furniture and fittings. Its consistent close-
grained texture ensures clean edges and surfaces that will take a smooth
finish. The bulk of the furniture industries production relies on sheet
materials and in particular, products like Norbord’s CaberWood MDF.

Luceco provides the perfect Climate for new Car Parking Facilities
Lucecohas recently lit new parking facilities in Telford with Climate Extra, an IP65 rated LED energy efficient
luminaire. The International Centre in Telford is a leading national business events venue, attracting over a
quarter of a million visitors every year. Southwater Event Group has built the new six level multi-storey car
park on three floors with room for 300 vehicles, on land beside Telford Town Ice Rink. Climate Extra is a
robust LED IP65 rated luminaire offering a market leading efficacy of 140 Llm/cW and 50,000 hours
operational life with increased performance for improved energy efficiency. This cost-effective luminaire is
available with integral microwave sensors in on /off or 10 per cent corridor function or batten fit PIR sensors
as well as DALI drivers and emergency back-up variants including Self-Test. An opal diffuser enhances
appearance and uniformity. Polycarbonate construction with stainless steel anti-tamper clips ensures a sturdy
luminaire that is a cost-effective alternative to traditional fluorescent luminaires previously used for many
industrial applications including car parks.
01952 238100
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