Science - USA (2022-04-29)

(Antfer) #1
by these introductions, to the spatially resolved
case and dog density data to investigate the
processes that modulate transmission, the
scale over which they operate, and how they
facilitate these metapopulation dynamics.
We examined the effect of host (dog) den-
sity on contact (biting) within our stochastic
individual-based model, drawing from predator-
prey functional response theory ( 11 ), to fit pa-
rameters defining the transmission process in
relation to host density ( 12 ). We fitted the pa-
rameters assuming that susceptible and infec-
ted dogs were well mixed at different scales,
ranging from the whole district to within
0.25-km^2 grid cells (fig. S2). The best-fitting
parameters at each scale differed in their sim-
ulation outcomes. Only models at the 1-km^2
scale reliably reproduced observed dynam-
ics and captured emergent population- and
individual-level properties (Figs. 1F and 3A
and fig. S10). We conclude that the processes
that regulate the size of outbreaks and overall
prevalence of rabies operate primarily on scales
that are much smaller than those typically
modeled for this disease.
Our modeling shows that epidemic growth is
curtailed in two ways: from deaths of rabid dogs
reducing contact opportunities and through
redundant exposures of dogs already incubat-
ing infection. These processes increasingly stem
transmission in lower-density areas, where
dogs have fewer contact opportunities (Fig. 4).
Simulations of index infections to estimate R 0
that rabid dogs bite, on average, 2.91 dogs,
leading to approximately 1.47 secondary cases
per index case [95% percentile intervals (PI)
1.39 to 1.56]. This R 0 value is slightly higher
than previously estimated ( 5 ), in part because
of population growth (median dog density
increased from 12 to >20 dogs/km^2 over the
14 years) but varies across the landscape in
relation to dog densities (Fig. 4) and accord-
ing to how it is measured; estimates simu-
lated from dogs sampled from the landscape
(by grid cell, rather than in proportion to
density) were slightly lower (1.35, 95% PI 1.27
to 1.43), whereas estimates from dogs sampled
from the transmission network were slight-
ly higher (1.48, 95% PI 1.38 to 1.58) because
more cases occur in higher-density grid cells
(Fig. 4) ( 9 ).
Under endemic circulation, the effective re-
production number, R, declines by just over
30% and remains near 1. Around 78% of this
ing potential contacts, and 22% is from re-
exposures of already incubating dogs. Thus,
infected dog movement (fig. S1) determines
the scale of mechanisms that regulate endem-
ic dynamics, so that even small outbreaks
(approximately five cases per square kilome-
ter) can result in substantive reductions in
R, given the heterogeneous distribution of

514 29 APRIL 2022¥VOL 376 ISSUE 6592 science.orgSCIENCE

Fig. 2. The spatiotemporal distribution of transmission chains.(A) Monthly cases, estimated to be between
83 and 95% of all cases in the district. The 11 chains with most cases are highlighted in color, and all smaller
chains (<58 cases) are shaded gray. (B) Spatial distribution of monthly cases, from the consensus tree of
1000 bootstrapped reconstructions ( 9 ).

Fig. 3. Time series of rabies cases and simulated counterfactual scenarios.Observed cases (red), with
interquartile (dark shading) and 95% (light shading) prediction intervals, both computed pointwise, from simulations
at the 1-km^2 scale, and with three illustrative example runs (dark lines). The simulated scenarios are (A) with
vaccination campaigns as implemented, (B) under low vaccination coverage, (C) with vaccination campaigns as
implemented but no individual heterogeneity in contact parameters, and (D) without incursions after the first year.


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