Time-Life - Miracles of Faith - USA (2018-12)

(Antfer) #1






wealth and the faithful animal who
sets him straight


he Old Testament diviner Balaam, who
livesinthelandofMoab,facesa dilemma.
The Hebrews, who have been wandering
the desert for 40 years, are approaching the
brews have successfully defeated their enemies before.
But in the Book of Numbers, God tells Balaam, “You shall
not curse the people, for they are blessed.” Balaam refuses
the king’s request, but the ruler, whose name is Balak, won’t
take no for an answer.
Some very distinguished nobles come to Balaam, of-
fering him the king’s richestrewards in exchange for the
curse. Balaam considers the proposition and replies, “Stay
here tonight, and I will find out what else the Lord will
speak to me.”
This time, God tells Balaam he can go to Balak, but that
God will tell him exactly what to say. In truth, God is an-
gry that Balaam has been tempted by the wealth the king
is offering.
Balaam sets off on his donkey, unaware that God has
sent an avenging angel to wait for him on the road. When
the beast suddenly veers into a field in an attempt to guide
Balaam away from the angry—and invisible—angel, the
prophet swats the donkey, urging her back to the path.
The angel chooses a new position, where the road nar-
rows to pass between two vineyard walls. Again, Balaam’s

donkey tries to save him by squeezing against one wall.
She squashes her master’s foot in the process, and Balaam
smacks her again.
Finally the angel finds a passage through which the
donkey is unable to maneuver. Out of options, the animal
simply lies down in the middle of the road. Balaam is fu-
rious and strikes her with his staff. At that moment, God
blesses the donkey with the power of speech and she says,
“What have I done to you, that you have struck me these
three times?”
Balaam is astonished, but still angry. “Because you
have made a fool of me!” he replies. The beast defends

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