)^ C
)^ G
Remove shoots from below
the bud union as soon as they
appear. This is where the rose
bush has been grafted on to
the understock. The foliage
looks diferent from the
upper growth and should be
cut of as close as possible to
the point of origin.
Established roses are easy to move
in winter if they are not performing
in their existing position.
◆DRIVEa sharp spade as deep as
possible into the soil, about 35cm
away from the trunk. Continue all
the way around the rose until it will
lift easily from the ground.
◆LIFT it out of the soil, then cut the
branches back by about two-thirds.
◆REPLANTand water in with a
seaweed solution. Water regularly
until it re-establishes.
Follow these simple steps on when
and how to prune over the year.
◆ WINTER Prune repeat-lowering
bushes and climbing roses in June
and July in frost-free climates, and
in August in cold climates. If you
want to renew an old, neglected
rose bush, prune it hard in August.
◆ SPRING Prune spring-only
lowering roses such as climbing
Banksias and species roses when
the lowers have inished.
◆ SUMMER A light prune in
summer encourages a lush of
lowers in autumn. After the spring
and summer lower lush, remove
about a third of the growth, just
above a bud. Regularly picking
roses with long stems is a good
method of summer pruning.
Roses lower on new wood, so
pruning is essential to produce a
fresh harvest of blooms. Pruning also
keeps roses healthy, as it removes
diseased or pest-infected growth and
encourages new, vigorous growth.
How to winter prune
he general rule for rose pruning is to
make the cut just above a bud from
which new shoots emerge. he ideal
cut should be made 1 cm above the
bud at a 45° angle, pointing away from
the bud. his is so that rainwater will
run of the cut and away from the bud.
has rough bark with a dull, grey
appearance, to a strong young branch
that has smooth red/green bark. If
there isn’t one, cut back to the bud
union. hen cut out any branches
crowding near, or crossing over,
healthy branches into a vase shape.
Remove any short or twiggy growth.
◆ (^) PRUNEremaining growth back by
a third to a half. Select buds that point
away from the centre of the bush so
new growth won’t crowd the centre.
When inished, spray with lime
sulphur to help control diseases
such as black spot. Dispose of
clippings in the bin (rather
than compost) to prevent
the spread of disease.
Prune roses in winter by
cutting at 45° about 1cm
above a new shoot.
Cut back into a vase shape.
Cyclone Heavy Duty Bypass
Pruner, $25. bunnings.com.au
141422 JULY 2018JULY 2018Australian HandymanAustralian Handyman