Technical | 71
e try not to get excited about battery
breakthroughs, but this simple design
seems to hold more promise than
complex technologies. Let’s hope!
Although we’re all anxious to have a
lightweight, quickly-rechargeable power
source when camping off-grid, demand isn’t
anywhere near enough to justify the millions
in R&D dollars ‘currently’ being poured into
battery innovation and development, globally.
That’s being driven by the need for renewable
energy on a massive scale, and enlightened
governments have already set targets for
energy producers.
The global goal is to increase access to
renewable energy, which currently accounts
for 21 percent of all electricity generated
worldwide, although only around 11 percent
of consumption. California has taken that goal
literally, requiring power companies install 1.3
gigawatts of energy storage by 2020.
The need for improved batteries is essential
to meet renewable energy targets and it’s