Australian Wood Review - June 2018

(nextflipdebug5) #1 49

A Dream


Simeon Dux’s recent breakfront bookcase
commission was a challenging but
enjoyable experience.


t’s not often you get a client who keeps telling you to add
more and more detail to a piece you’re making for them.
Yet, that’s how it was for Melbourne maker Simeon Dux,
33 former carpenter and joiner turned fine woodworker.

‘I had these wonderful clients with really lovely taste. They
wanted a piece that would match the style of their other
furniture and they kept asking me to add more and more
decorative features,’ said Simeon.

The brief was for a display cabinet to house an eclectic
collection of books and other items. It would sit in a home
office and was to have a ‘library feel’. With a love of antique
furniture and detailing, Simeon’s clients were looking for a
piece that would complement and not take away from their
other treasured pieces.

The resulting breakfront bookcase was the product of research
into Georgian, Regency and Federal styles with elements of
each brought in and blended. The bookmatched door panels
and drawer fronts came out of a 2.7m x 350mm x 38mm
board of American black walnut. Extensive crossbanding,
barred upper doors and built-up crown mouldings made
this commission an exploration of traditional techniques.

Was he nervous at the outset of such a large commission?
‘To be honest, no. I just divided the job into sections – but
I did have to settle myself down, and I did underestimate
what was involved.’

Getting it done over a three month period (less a few
weeks on other jobs) kept the pressure on, as did the
fact there was no material to spare. ‘There were a few
new things I was forced to do because of the design of
the piece, but it was a good learning experience as well,’
Simeon explained. ‘Basically I had to get everything
perfect first-off. I didn’t have the materials or the time
to muck anything up and have another go.’

‘If I’d had to redo the crossbanding of the veneers on the doors
it would have set me back another four or five days, getting


Breakfront bookcase in American
walnut by Simeon Dux.

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