Australian Wood Review - June 2018

(nextflipdebug5) #1

60 Australian Wood Review



or some furniture projects, how well the final assembly
or glue-up goes according to plan could determine
their fate of success or ruin. Some glue-ups are more
challenging than others, but seasoned woodworkers always
approach each assembly with a great deal of care because
they know from experience that some glue-up blunders are
too costly to fix.

Dry-fitting, as we all know, is indispensable in each
assembly job. In a complex glue-up like the speech bubble
shelves shown in photos 1 and 2 that included dovetails
and angled joinery, I would go as far as drawing up and
testing the order of dry-fitting before the final glue-up. If
you tend to overstress with your glue-up tasks, I have some
favourite glue-up tricks to share with you.

  1. Laminating boards
    To make a thicker stock, we often glue two or more pieces
    together. However, when two boards are applied with glue
    and clamped together, they tend to shift, bringing the
    pieces out of alignment. One simple solution is to place
    a few grains of coarse sand or salt on one of the mating
    surfaces and press them together in alignment before
    clamping. The sand or salt particles will bite in and prevent
    the boards from moving when clamping pressure is applied
    (photo 3).

  2. Gluing up panels
    My foolproof approach to panel glue-ups is multi-pronged.
    First, ensure the surface you’re gluing your assembly on is
    flat, as a warped surface can transfer that warp onto your

6 Tips For

Better Glue-ups

Charles Mak shows how to de-stress your assembly and glue-up situations.

Free download pdf