Lonely Planet India - August 2016

(lily) #1


OR a serving of culture – think of it as a palate cleanser – drive just over a half-hour
from Gruyères to the city of Fribourg capital of the canton. Founded by Duke Berthold IV
of the Zähringen dynasty in 1157 it remains today a treasure trove of Gothic architecture.
While the higher part of the city is modern with a gorgeous Jean Tinguely Fountain the train
station urban golf and the busy commercial and shopping areas it is the lower part of Fribourg
that is historic architecture frozen in time.
You descend from the higher reaches either by a funicular (the only one in Europe that
still runs on waste water) or by walking down stairs and paths with a picturesque view
of the pre-Alps and the Old Town below as your reward for the effort. Wandering about the town
will bring you to gorgeous old buildings best appreciated with a guide (or at least a guidebook
since English-speaking guides are few and far between in this French- and German-speaking
city). Then well tired from your travels back in time settle down to a good meal. Fribourg
is proud of its fine-dining restaurants; Le Pérolles for example has an astonishing 18 Gault
Millau points out of a possible 20. Fresh seasonal produce charcuterie organic meats
and of course cheese are the stars of the menu and no meal should be considered a success
without a thimble or more of poire à Botzi a local pear schnapps.

  1. As you wander around Fribourg look for the quirky little touches on the houses

  2. Run on waste water the funicular links the modern and older parts of Fribourg City

  3. The River Sarine flows serenely through the city
    Facing page: Fribourg is a microcosm of well-preserved Gothic architecture

No meal in Fribourg should be considered

a success without a thimble or more

of poire à Botzi a local pear schnapps



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